Survey Narrative, Comments & Demographics

City of Goodman Citizen Survey Results

There were 440 surveys mailed out.  61 surveys were returned undeliverable, and 59 surveys were returned completed.  Some of the surveys were answered by two people and in those cases the data results were adjusted to compensate for this. 

Comments written on the survey are as follows (in italics):


How would you rate your experience with Goodman PD?

                        “To new to form opinion!”

How safe do you feel in your neighborhood?

            “Feel better since the former chief is gone.”

How would you rate the overall quality of services provided by the Goodman Fire Department, which provides fire, as well as ambulance services?

“Check your fact. Fire Dept does not have anything to do with ambulance service they just ask us to help on some calls 911 make that call not fire dept get it straight”

Hope it improves with the new chief.”


How would you rate the overall quality of services provided by Goodman Public Works which maintains city roads, parks and provides water, sewer and solid waste collection?

                        “Poor Roads”

How would you rate your satisfaction with the City’s water service?

            “My water is brown.”

How important is using “green initiatives” which focus on maintaining a sustainable natural environment in the long-term planning process?

            “Need help getting setup”


In relation to the property taxes you pay, how satisfied are you with the overall quality of City services?

              “Do not have cable or gas at our address”

What local issue would you say is the highest priority for you?

                        “need a volunteer group”

                        “Goodman needs more rentals.”


                        “Need more business in area Grocery stores for one”

What is the most convenient way for you to find out about City services, news, and events?

            “Social media”


“word of mouth”


            Would you like to see the City of Goodman have a Facebook page?

                        “Don’t care”

“Not on survey but I think animals (dogs/cats) running loose is a problem.

Survey Demographics