Minutes-Special Budget Meeting November 10, 2014


Monday November 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

November 10, 2014

Special Budget Meeting

The Board of Aldermen held a budget meeting on Monday night November 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Chief of Police Curt Drake, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Paula Brodie.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.  

The Board worked on the 2015 Budget. They went over the General Fund, Water Works, Sewer and Street Department revenues and expenditures.

The Board set December 1, 2014 at 6:00PM for the next budget meeting.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Wilson seconded.  Ald. Kohley, Hess, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.                                                                                                                           

Minutes- November 4, 2014


Tuesday November 4, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

November 4, 2014

Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night November 4, 2014 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Bill Hess, Keith Kohley and Alice Kezar. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Guests included Rita Green from the McDonald County Press, Lois Kolb, and Jimmie Morgan.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on October 21, 2014. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 21.  Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess, Wilson and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

Citizens Business: None

The Mayor acknowledged Jimmie Morgan from the Goodman Betterment Club. Jimmie noted that the Betterment Club had picked Johnny Bill Newell to be this years’ Grand Marshall for the Christmas Parade.  Mr. Morgan then asked the Board to make a donation towards the expenditure of the candy that is given out during the parade. Ald. Wilson moved to donate $200.00 for Christmas candy for the Annual Christmas Parade. Ald. Kezar second.  Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Wilson and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor stated that there was a lady who had contacted the City Hall to see if she could set up a table to sell purchases during the Christmas Parade. The Board stated that they had no objections.

The Board discussed the following old business.

1.   The Mayor noted that he had tried to contact the two people the William Mosby had suggested as a replacement for his job. He noted that one of the people he had not heard from and the other a Marcus Pratt had seemed very interested and willing to become the City’s building inspector. The Mayor noted that there were not very many new buildings to be inspected throughout the year. It was noted that there is one house being built at this time and would need an inspector to sign off on it. The Mayor suggested that the Board hire Marcus Pratt.  Ald. Wilson moved to hire Marcus Pratt as the City’s Building Inspector. Ald. Hess seconded.  Ald. Wilson, Hess, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

2.   The Board discussed setting up equipment for video conferencing and a policy regarding the use of video equipment.  The Mayor stated that Michael Keels had given him a price of $500.00. The Clerk suggested moving the computer from the Mayor’s office to the waste water treatment plant so that in case of an emergency there would be a computer set up with all the City’s programs on them. Ald. Wilson stated that he thought the policy could be drawn up after the Board was ready to allow video conferencing.  The Mayor is going to talk with Michael Keels about which would be best a laptop or a big screen TV and the possibility of moving the computer to the treatment plant. The Mayor noted that the City would only have to provide the receiving end of the video conferencing; it would be up to the other person to provide their side.

The Board discussed the following new business:

            1.Discussed purchasing name tags for the Board. The Mayor noted that Alice had suggested the purchasing of name tags for employees and Board Members. The Mayor noted that it would be nice to have name tags for the members to wear while attending various meetings. The name tags would reflect who they were representing and their names. Alice explained that the name tag she had comes apart and a card about the size of a business card could be inserted in the name tag. They would be able to be change out and another name could be inserted in its place. The Board agreed that the employees and  Board Members should all have one.

            The Mayor stated that he had also talked with some of the employees about getting shirts with a City logo or the City of Goodman and their names on them. They could be worn daily or just for meetings.  Ald. Kohley stated that the Emergency Management people already have T Shirts.  The Board agreed to think about it.

            2.  It was noted the City Hall will be closed on November 11 in honor of Veterans Day.

            3.  It was noted the first budget meeting is scheduled for November 10th at 6:00PM.

The Department heads gave the following reports:

            Curt Drake-had nothing

            Denis Kolb-.had nothing 

            David Brodie- noted that someone wanted to build a house facing Harold Street and their garage facing Pearl Street. He said that it will comply with the City’s Codes on setbacks. He asked the Board if there were any objections to the house facing one way and the garage another. The Board did not have any             problem with it as long as it fell within the guidelines of the City’s Codes.

                                    – noted that representatives from DNR were at the plant on last Monday. He said they  were present to discuss with him the dissolved oxygen problems at the treatment plant. He stated that they felt that the plant needed new fine bubble diffusers (bladders) installed in the oxidation ditches. He said to replace them the oxidation ditches have to be empty. He said while they were empty he thought it would be good to have them cleaned. He noted that they had been cleaned two times since the     plant was put on line in 1991. He said he had contacted a company in Springfield who thought it might be around $3500.00 each. He stated that Haynes Equipment had supplied the original bubble diffusers and was still able to supply new ones. He noted that he had contacted them for prices. David said he wanted to make it clear the doing this might not solve the problem with the DO but that the gentlemen from DNR had stated that it was a good place to start and they thought it would help.

                                    – David noted that the DNR Permit limitations have been changed for the Treatment Plant. Some of the changes need to be incompliance by the end of next year. He noted that the DO,  Ammonia and PH limits have been changed on the new permit. Ald. Wilson stated that the treatment plant needs to be maintained no matter what it costs, the Board agreed. David said that if they do replace the bladders, it would show DNR that the Board is working on trying to keep the plant in compliance with the new permit numbers.

                                    -David stated that he was also going to get a quote from the people who cleaned the tanks last time. He asked the Board if he could get prices and present them to the Board at the next meeting.    The Board gave him permission to get final prices by the next meeting.

                        Dawn Bunch –had nothing.

                        Paula Brodie-had nothing.

The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $18,853.69.  Ald. Hess moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $18,853.69. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.  

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Wilson seconded.  Ald. Hess, Kohley, Wilson and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ____________________________                                                                                    

Agenda-November 18, 2014



Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.   Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting November 4, 2014.

3.    Citizens Business: Amy Taber to discuss variance request to put up a carport less than 5’ from the    property line.

4.    Acknowledge Michael Wasson to discuss Recreation Board Director’s job.

5.    Discuss old business.

                                    1. Discuss how to handle high water bills due to leaks.


6.    Discuss new business:

                               1.  Vote on Membership Agreement with Missouri Rural Services, the City’s workmen’s compensation insurance carrier.

                               2.  Note the second budget meeting is December 1, at 6:00PM.                        

7.     Department head reports:

Curt Drake-.

Denis Kolb-. 

David Brodie-

Dawn Bunch –

Paula Brodie-  Discuss Christmas Holidays.

8.     Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $52,409.37.

 9.     Adjourn the meeting.

Agenda-November 4, 2014



Tuesday November 4, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting October 21, 2014.

3.    Citizens Business:

4.    Acknowledge Jimmie Morgan from the Goodman Area Protection District.

5.    Discuss old business.

                              1. Discuss setting a ceiling on the amount to average  water/sewer bills.

                               2. Discuss filling the building inspector’s position.

                               3. Discuss setting up equipment for video conferencing and policy regarding the use of video equipment.    

6.     Discuss new business:

                               1. Discuss name tags.

                               2. Note the City Hall will be closed on November 11th.

                               3. Note the first budget meeting is November 10th at 6:00PM.

7.     Department head reports:

Curt Drake-.

Denis Kolb-. 

David Brodie-

Dawn Bunch –

Paula Brodie- 


 8.   Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $18,853.69.

9.    Adjourn the meeting.

Minutes-October 21, 2014


Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

October 21, 2014

Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night October 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley and Alice Kezar. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Guests included Rita Green from the McDonald County Press and Lois Kolb. Ald. Hess was not present

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on October 7, 2014. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 7, 2014. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Ald. Kohley abstained because he was not present at the meeting on October 7th.

Citizens Business:   None

The Mayor read the letter of resignation from William Mosby.  Ald. Kohley stated that he had talked with Mr. Mosby and he understood that William has been very busy and cannot keep up with everything he needs to do so he was going to have to resign as the City’s Building Inspector. The Clerk noted that William had given her a couple of names of people who might be interested. The Board discussed whether or not the City has to have a Building Inspector. Denis stated he had a friend who was the Building Inspector in St. Louis County and he was sure that he would be able to answer any questions the Board has. The Mayor stated that he would make some phone calls and get back to the Board at the next meeting.

The Board discussed the following old business.

                               1. The Board discussed changing the City’s policy of how to handle high water/sewer bills due to leaks.  The Board discussed how other cities in the area handle leaks. Ald. Wilson stated that he thought that the Board could drop the sewer charge and half the water charge. He said depending on how high the remaining bill is they could allow payments. He also said that he felt that they should still keep the policy of once a year. The Board agreed to look over the other cities policies and decide at the next meeting.

                              2. The Mayor stated that he had talked with Michal Keels regarding what was needed to set up equipment for video conferencing during the Board meetings. He stated that Michal said we could set up a lap top with skype or run software through the Mayors computer using a T.V. screen mounted in the Board room. He noted that the people present at meetings would have to be able to hear and see the Board Member that is attending the meeting via video conferencing. The Clerk noted that MML suggests setting a policy or adding a Code to the City’s Code book establishing parameters for video conference attendance by Board Members. The Board tabled further discussion until the Mayor can get back with Michael about the costs.

The Board discussed the following new business:

                               1. Set November 10th at 6:00PM for the first 2015 budget meeting.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- had nothing to report. Ald. Kohley asked him if he had taken care of the problem of the resident on Williams Street who has an excessive amount of dogs. Curt said that he had, and that she was down to 3 dogs.

Denis Kolb- had nothing to report.  

David Brodie-reported that someone has been using the lights at the ballpark at night. The clerk had talked with Michael Wasson and he had told her that he had not given permission for anyone to use the lights. David said he was working on fixing the junction boxes so they can be locked.

                      -noted that he was going to be attending the Mo. Rural Water Associations annual fall conference in a couple of weeks.

                      – noted that both wells are up and running better than they have for a long time, both chlorination systems are in. He also reported that the well operations of the wells are more user friendly with the additional changes.

                      -purchased cold mix for more street repair.


Ald. Kezar stated that she wanted to thank David for staying on top of the KCS workers while they were in town laying new rails. She said that the C Highway crossing had been fixed and was now easy to cross.

Dawn Bunch – was not present.

Paula Brodie-


The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $35,337.63.  Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $35,337.63. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.  

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Wilson seconded.  Ald. Kohley, Wilson and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Minutes-October 7, 2014


Tuesday October 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

October 7, 2014

Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night October 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Alice Kezar and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Guests included Harry Rogers, Jason Ray Rita Green, Bud Richmond, Lois Kolb, Jimmie Morgan, Jennifer Lantz and Rita Green from the McDonald County Press. Ald. Keith Kohley was absent due to illness.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on September 16, 2014. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on September 16, 2014. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald.  Kezar, Hess and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Harry Rogers and Jason Ray from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council (HSTCC) to discuss assisting the City in drawing up a comprehensive plan. Mr. Rogers stated that the City had been a member of the committee involved with the Joint land Use Study that H.S.T.C.C. helped draw up for Camp Crowder. He noted that the City should be of the findings of the committee. Mr. Rogers stated that Jason Ray would be involved with applying for funding through the Department of Defense to help the communities around Crowder that would be impacted by the Base.

Jason Ray then went over the results of the Joint Land Use Study and talked with the Board about what suggestions were made by the committee.  He noted that the Base is very interested in going ahead with the suggestions made by the committee, one of them being setting up a Joint Land Use Working Group. He said that he was sure that the Board would want to be active on the committee because the Crowder Base affected the City of Goodman because of its close proximity. Mr. Ray informed the Board that since the Department of Defense (D.O.D.) was interested in maintaining the integrity of the Base there was funding to help the surrounding communities to draw up policies regarding the Base.

Jason stated that he understood that the City of Goodman had Zoning in place, but not a comprehensive plan. He noted that per Missouri State Statutes the City should have an active comprehensive plan in place. Because of the Department of Defense’s interest in the surrounding communities and how they are affected by the Base there is funding available to help the City draw up their comprehensive plan. He noted that H.S.T.C.C. would be working on a grant application from the D.O.D for the communities surrounding the base to help them draw up policy’s regarding land use and how it affects the area and the Camp. He stated that the cost of the City drawing up their comprehensive plan could be funded through that same grant application and H.S.T.C.C. would help the City through the process of drawing up the plan.  He stated that the cost would be around $35,000.00 with D.O.D./OEA funding $31,500.00 and$3,500.00 would be funded by the City.

Harry Rogers stated that the Board could give them a verbal agreement at this time and as they came closer to actually completing the application he would draw up a contract for the Board of Aldermen to sign. Jason stated that the D.O.D. grant would pay for 90% and the City would be responsible for the other 10%. The time frame to draw up the plan would be around 6 months, however from the time the City received the grant they would have 18 months to complete it. The applications need to be completed within the next month. The Board of Alderman agreed to being included in the grant application. Mr. Rogers stated that the Board could withdraw from the application prior to the signing of the contract if they needed to.

Citizens Business:

Jim Morgan noted that he and Bud Richmond were representing the Goodman Area Fire Protection District and the Goodman Betterment Club. He reported that the Gazebo has been installed at the ball park. Mr. Morgan stated that he would donate a couple of loads of black dirt if the city would help spread it around the Gazebo to make the ground more level. The Board agreed.

Mr. Morgan stated that they have been having trouble with the railroad project that is going through town. He stated that the problem is that KCS has not been notifying the emergency responders that they will be closing crossings. He said he did talk with the KCS representative on the job whose name is Ronnie Martin. Mr. Morgan stated that he told Mr. Martin that KCS needs to notify the Police and Fire Department when the crossings are going to be closed. He stated that he understood that they will be working on the Whitmore, School Street and C Highway crossing. He stated it will be extremely difficult if all 3 crossings are closed at one time. He said that he had Mr. Martin’s phone number and that he would give the number to the City Hall.

Mr. Morgan stated that he had talked with Lisa McCool from 911 about the situation. He said that she had a name and number for someone at KCS that she can contact about the situation.

The Mayor noted that the City employees were working on the picnic tables that go back out at the Gazebo.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 which deletes the penalty section from Section 505.080.

The Mayor read by title only Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 for the second reading.

Ald. Wilson moved to approve the first reading of Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 which deletes the penalty section from Section 505-080. Ald. Hess second.  Ald. Hess, Wilson and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the following old business.

             1. Discussed setting a ceiling on the amount to average water/sewer bills. The Mayor noted that a couple of very high bills had brought this to light. He asked the Board if they were  interested in doing something about limiting the amount that is averaged. Curt said he and Karla had  discussed what could be done and they suggested averaging the bill and adding 20%. The Clerk is to ask  the other Clerks from the Southwest Division for input on how they handle averaging the bills.

            2. Discuss the future project of putting an awning over the sidewalk at the  City Hall. The Mayor noted that the Board had budgeted $1,000.00 for the project and the projected cost was higher than that. Calvin stated that the Board could discuss it at the next budget meeting. It was noted that the project had not been put out for bid yet. The Board agreed to discuss it during the next budget meeting.

           3. The Board discussed joining the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce. The Mayor read through the benefits for the City to join and noted that the cost to the City would be $200.00. Ald. Hess stated because the City is in the north end of the county and in a different school district people tend think Goodman is not in McDonald County.  Ald. Wilson stated that he felt the Chamber of Commerce was very good at getting out information on events out to the community and it would be beneficial to the City to join. Ald. Hess moved to have the City join the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Wilson, Kezar and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

           4. The Mayor noted that the Board was to discuss setting up equipment for video conferencing with Michael Keels however Mr. Keels had been exceedingly busy and could not attend a meeting. The Mayor stated he would contact him and get the particulars on what the cost would be and what equipment he would suggest. He noted that video conferencing had been approved by the State Legislature and was now included in the Missouri State Statutes so the City needed to prepare for future request to allow video conferencing of the Board meetings. The Board agreed to table until the Mayor contacts Michael Keels.

The Board discussed the following new business:

           Noted that the City Hall will be closed on October 13, 2014 for Columbus Day.

  1. The Mayor noted that the City does have a recycling program. He stated he would like to see more people use it. Anyone interested should call City Hall so that they can notify the trash collector.

    The Department heads gave the following reports:

    Curt Drake-. gave the Board two months reports. He noted that Zack is definitely stepping up to the plate in helping the Police Dept. while Bill is out on medical leave. The SUV might be doing the same thing as it was when it seemed like it was overheating. The sensor was replaced but seems to be acting up again. He noted it was under warranty and if it happened again they would take it back down to Smith Auto Group.

    Denis Kolb- had nothing report.

    David Brodie- reported that he would be attending a wastewater class in Carthage and noted that it was paid for with vouchers. That the City employees had mowed the ballpark the last three times. Ald. Wilson stated that the Director always kept the ball park mowed up to the end of summer. David stated that they have been working on the tables and had finished the tax collector’s office.  Paula told the Board that Dawn was very happy with her office. David noted that they will have to keep a check on the Railroad. He also noted that the chlorinator for the Barlow Street well has been ordered and has been shipped. He asked when the Board wanted him to winterize the ballpark noting that the awards program has not been held yet. The Mayor said he would look into if and when the awards program will be held. He also noted that the phone had been turned off in the concession stand to save the expense of the phone bill. David noted that the water pump went out of the older city truck.

    Dawn Bunch –Report in packets.

    Paula Brodie- note that her annual Missouri City Clerks and Finance Officers Regional Training is in Republic on October 16th and 17th. She stated that she had received a scholarship from the state board that paid the registration fees, ½ hotel costs for one night and $50.00 mileage. She asked the Board if they would be willing to pay the other ½ of her hotel costs. The Board agreed. She also informed the Board that Bill Cagle was still having trouble with his wrist, that the Occumed Doctor has sent him on to an orthopedic specialist, that can’t see him until October 22nd. She noted she had been talking with the City’s workmen’s comp. people and that they have been kept in the loop. She noted that Bill is receiving checks from workmen’s comp.

    The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $34,212.36.  Ald. Wilson’s moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $34,212.36. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.  

    Ald. Hess moved to adjourn. Ald. Wilson seconded.  Ald. Hess, Wilson and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.         

Agenda-October 21, 2014



Tuesday October 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall  

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting October 7, 2014.

3.    Citizens Business:

4.    Read letter of resignation from William Mosby and discuss the open building inspector position.

5.    Discuss old business.

                                    1. Discuss setting a ceiling on the amount to average water/sewer bills.

                                    2. Discuss setting up equipment for video conferencing and policy regarding the use of video equipment..

6.     Discuss new business:

                                   1. Set a date for the first Budget Meeting in November.

7.     Department head reports:

Curt Drake-.

Denis Kolb-. 

David Brodie-

Dawn Bunch –

Paula Brodie-

8.     Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $35,337.63.

9.    Adjourn the meeting.

Agenda-October 7, 2014

Tuesday October 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall

1. Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting September 16, 2014.

3. Acknowledge Harry Rogers and Jason Ray from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council to discuss a comprehensive plan for the City.

4. Citizens Business:

5. Vote on Ordinances for the second readings.
1. Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 deleting penalty wording from Section 505.080.

6. Discuss old business.
1. Discuss setting a ceiling on the amount to average water/sewer bills.
2. Discuss City Hall awning (note $1,000.00 was the budgeted amount for this).
3. Discuss joining the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce.
4. Discuss setting up equipment for video conferencing and policy regarding the use of video equipment..

7. Discuss new business:
1. Note that the City Hall will be closed on October 13, 2014 for Columbus Day.

8. Department head reports:
Curt Drake-.
Denis Kolb-.
David Brodie-
Dawn Bunch –Report in packets.
Paula Brodie- Note that the Regional Training for the Missouri City Clerks and Finance officers is in Republic on October 16th and 17th.

9. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $ 34,212.36.

10. Adjourn the meeting.

Minutes-September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall

September 16, 2014
Regular Board Meeting

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night September 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Calvin Wilson, Alice Kezar and Bill Hess. Also present were City employee David Sarratt, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Chief Drake and Asst. City Clerk Karla McNorton. Guests included Esther Harris, Roger Coe and Carol Coe

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on September 2, 2014. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on September 2, 2014. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kezar, Hess, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor noted Wanda Parson was not present to discuss her high water/sewer bill.

Alderman Hess informed the Board Mrs. Parsons was unable to attend due to health issues and asked him to speak on her behalf, to have the Board average her bill? Mayor Richmond asked if her water was off at this time or have the repairs been made? David Sarratt and I stated the water was off and the insurance is working on the repairs. Alderman Hess stated she had a broken pipe. Alderman Wilson discussed with the Board only relinquishing the sewer because she’s had two chances to attend and was not present. Alderman Hess stated that due to her health, she has issues getting around, that’s why she contacted him to ask the Board to average her bill. Alderman Kohley stated it would not be fair to her to only remove the sewer as we have averaged everyone else’s bill in the past.

Ald. Wilson moved to average Wanda Parson’s water/sewer bill. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Wilson, Kohley, Kezar and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2014-451 for Ord. No. 2014-461 changing the personnel policy in regards to compensation hours.

The Mayor read by title only Bill No. 2014-451 for Ord. No. 2014-461 for the second reading.

Ald. Wilson moved to approve the second reading of Bill No. 2014-451 for Ord. No. 2014-461 changing the personnel policy on compensation hours. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Wilson, Kezar, Hess and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2014-452 for Ord. No. 2014-462 changing the personnel policy in regards to vacation hours.

The Mayor read by title only Bill No. 2014-452 for Ord. No. 2014-462 for the second reading.

Ald. Kohley moved to approve the second reading of Bill No. 2014-452 for Ord. No. 2014-462 changing the personnel policy regarding vacation hours. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2014-453 for Ord. No. 2014-463 restoring section 117.040 F (3) to the City Code.

The Mayor read by title only Bill No. 2014-453 for Ord. No. 2014-463 restoring Section 117.040 (F (3) for the second reading.

Ald. Hess moved to approve the second reading of Bill No.2014-453 for Ord. No. 2014-463 restoring Section 117.040 F (3) to the City Code. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Hess, Wilson, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 which deletes the penalty section from Section 505.080.

The Mayor read by title only Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 for the first reading.

Ald. Wilson moved to approve the first reading of Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 which deletes the penalty section from Section 505-080. Ald. Hess second. Ald. Wilson, Hess, Kezar and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Ester Harris regarding the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce.
Esther asked the Board to consider joining the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce. She stated several cities and businesses are members and she touched a few points on the membership like a complimentary weekly newsletter by email, chamber updates, ribbon cutting ceremonies, second Friday coffees, lists of schools and churches and all activities in the county. She did state there is a fee to join and it depends on the number of full time employees. She left the Board with a member benefits pamphlet to be looked over and offered to return if the Board had additional questions. The Board thanked her for asking the city to join and would look over the information provided.

The Board discussed the following old business:

1. Discuss quote from Michael Keels on video conferencing.
Mayor stated since Michael as not present (I noted he would not be able to attend until the second meeting on October 21st), and that it doesn’t show a screen to view he would rather wait until Michael was present to discuss the quote. The discussion was tabled until Michael could attend October 21st.

2. Discuss City Hall awning.
David Sarratt told the Board that Marcus from L&M Construction gave an estimate of
less than $5000.00 and did not think we would need to put it out for bid since it was
less than the amount required to put out for bid. Mayor Richmond thought the Board
should wait for City Supervisor Brodie to return to see if he had anything else to add.
The issue was tabled.

The Board discussed the following new business:

1. Discussed cashing in the Water Works Certificate of Deposit # 221705 to reimburse the water cash account for the street project and pump and motor from January. CD comes due on 9/23/14.

Ald. Wilson moved to cash in the Water Works Certificate of Deposit # 221705. Ald. Kohley seconded. Wilson, Kohley, Hess and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

2. Discuss whether or not to purchase Halloween Candy.
The Board discussed how much we had purchased last year and that $150.00 was agreed upon last year.

Ald. Kezar moved to purchase Halloween candy in the amount of up to $150.00. Ald. Hess seconded. Kezar, Hess, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond wanted the Board to know the City was thanked for replacing a stop sign by Terry Fuller.

Richmond let the Board know he was contacted by Jeff with the Muscular Dystrophy Assn. to participate in the Muscular Dystrophy’s Lock-a-thon, to be locked up for an hour on October 2nd between 12:00 and 1:00, lunch will be provided. He noted he has the information in his car if any of the Board members are interested as he will not be able to attend.

Richmond also discussed with the Board putting a ceiling in how much we would average future water bills as opposed to how we average them now. He stated it costs the City money to pump the water and we should consider the ceiling on averaging. He asked that it be put on the next agenda for discussion.

The Department heads report gave the following reports:

Curt Drake-. Curt informed the Board the SUV was fixed and the repairs were around $630.00 and now it has a lifetime warranty, which he believes is for the sensor only.

Drake requested that he and Mayor Richmond to sign a mutual aid agreement between the City, all law enforcement agencies in McDonald County and McDonald County 911, like the one we already have with the City of Anderson. This would give him the capability to go assist other jurisdiction’s if and when needed and for them to come here and assist Goodman when needed. Tax Collector Bunch asked how it would affect our insurance. Drake explained it would not affect our insurance and any injuries would still be the responsibility of the City, same as they are now.

Ald. Wilson moved to have Mayor Richmond and Chief Drake sign the mutual aid agreement. Ald. Kohley seconded. Wilson, Kohley, Hess and Kezar votes aye with 0 nays.

Denis Kolb- Nothing to report.

David Brodie- David Sarratt reported that David would like the Board to consider the purchase of a chlorination system for the well on Barlow like they had installed on the School Street Well.

Ald. Kezar moved to purchase a new chlorination system in the amount of $3496.80 for the water system. Ald. Wilson seconded. Kezar, Wilson, Hess and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.

Dawn Bunch –That she would be removing $1026.85 in penalties after the second reading was competed to remove the penalty section.

Paula Brodie- Karla again let the board know Michael Keels wouldn’t be present until October 21st to discuss the video conferencing.
The discussion was tabled until October 21st when Keels can attend.

The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $37,494.65. Ald. Hess moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $37,494.65. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Hess, Kezar, Wilson and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Kohley, Wilson, Kezar and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.