Agenda-November 17, 2015



Tuesday November 17, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on November 3, 2015.

3.    Discuss and vote on membership agreement for Mo. Rural Services Workers Compensation Ins.

4.    Discuss any old business:  


5.    Discuss any new business:  


6.    Department head reports:

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-  

David Brodie-

Paula Brodie –

Megan Sexson-

7.    Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $50,961.39.

8.   Adjourn the meeting. 



Agenda-November 3, 2015



Tuesday November 3, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 20, 2015.

3.    Discuss any old business:  


4.    Discuss any new business:  

                        1. Set first budget meeting date.

                        2. Does the Board want to purchase the cake for the  Veteran’s Day event at the School?

5.    Department head reports:

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb- . 

David Brodie-

Paula Brodie  -note that the City Hall will be closed Veteran’s Day..

6.    Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $15,445.60.

7.   Adjourn the meeting. 

Agenda-October 20, 2015



Tuesday October 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 6, 2015 and from the Special meeting held on October 12, 2015.

3.    Acknowledge representatives from the Southwest Division of the Missouri City Clerks and Finance     Officers Association regarding a presentation to City Clerk Paula Brodie.

4.    Acknowledge Bud Terrell to discuss a variance request to be allowed to put a double-wide trailer on his property on Garner Street.

5.    Discuss and vote on contract between the McDonald County Clerk’s office and the City of Goodman regarding the printing of the tax book and tax statements.

6.    Discuss any old business:  


7.    Discuss any new business:  

                        1. Discuss requirements for tiny houses.

8.    Department head reports:

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb- . 

David Brodie-

Paula Brodie  –

9.    Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $22,966.77.

10.   Adjourn the meeting. 

Agenda-Special Meeting October 12, 2015



    Monday October 12, 2015 AT

7:00 PM at the Goodman City Hall

1. Call the meeting to order.

2. Vote to go into closed session pursuant to RSMO. Section 610.021, Section (3) to discuss hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.

3. Announce any decisions made during the closed session.

4. Vote to adjourn the closed meeting.


Minutes- October 6, 2015



Tuesday October 6, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on September 15, 2015.

3.    Acknowledge Loren Garren to discuss his purchase of the Cindy McCoy property taxes from McDonald County.

4.    Acknowledge Sammie Hankins, Shirley Boman, Full Gospel Church and the N & F Apartments to discuss averaging their water/sewer bill.

5.    Discuss any old business:  

                        1. Discuss the Lester Kramburg Properties.

                        2. Discuss Harry S Truman Coordinating Council helping the City of Goodman draw up a comprehensive plan. (Note- the minutes from October 7, 2014 in packets).

6.    Discuss any new business:  

                        1. Discuss if the Board wants to purchase candy to give out on Halloween.

7.    Department head reports:

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb- . 

David Brodie-

Paula Brodie      -note invoice and payment from MOPERM on Motor for School Street Well.

                           -note that the Board needs to discuss during budget talks replacing the                                   lights in the City Hall.

                          – note the Board has three opportunities for training in their packets.

8.   Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $61,267.86.

9.   Adjourn the meeting. 

Minutes-September 15, 2015

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night September 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Alice Kezar, Keith Kohley and Roger Coe. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Police Chief Curt Drake, Officer Adam Miller and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Also present were Lois Kolb, Kevin Condreay, Carol Coe and Rita Greene from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on September 1, 2015.  Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the meetings on September 1, 2015. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Kohley, Wilson and Coe voted aye with Ald. Kezar abstaining because she was not present at the meeting on September 1, 2015.

The Mayor asked if there were any Citizens present who had a comment: He acknowledged Kevin Condreay who stated that he was present to ask the Board to average his water/sewer bill as he had a leak in his toilet, and has since fixed it.  Ald. Kezar moved to average his water/sewer bill. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar, Wilson and Coe voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the following old business:  

  1. The Board discussed the Lester Kramburg Properties. The Mayor noted that the Board had given Mr. Kramburg 90 days on June 16, 2015 to see what he could get accomplished with the house; the two trailers; the high grass and the weeds. The Board noted that they had been working with the Kramburg family for two years and not much has been done. Ald. Wilson stated that he had been inside one of the trailers and that he believed it would take a lot to repair it and he did not think that it would be worth fixing. Ald. Wilson stated he felt it was time to tell them that they need to remove both trailers or to start condemnation procedures on both trailers. David Brodie stated in the past the Board had asked the Fire Chief to go with them to inspect buildings that they thought might need to be condemned.  Ald. Wilson moved to have David contact Fire Chief Keith Estes and see if he would go with David to inspect the trailers to see about whether or not they needed to be condemned. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar, Wilson and Coe voted aye with 0 nays.

    Ald. Wilson asked about what was happening to the Brewington house. He was told JR Fisher had purchased the Brewington house and that he had made marked improvement on the clean-up of the property. The Mayor asked about the Procter Trailer and the Carey property. The Clerk noted that the Procter property was in probate and the Carey property had been moved out of and she assumed their bank was trying to get ownership of the house. In the meantime the City employees have been mowing both properties and the charge for the mowing was added as a lien on the property taxes.

    2. The Board discussed the purchase of a new patrol car.  Ald. Kohley informed the Board that the Dodge Charger that he had brought to the last Board Meeting for them to look at had been sold by the Smith Auto Group, so it was no longer available. Ald. Kohley noted that the Board could order a Dodge Charger under the State Contract from Fletcher Dodge in Joplin for $24,905.00. The cost was $3,000.00 more than the one from Smith Auto Group but would be a 2016 Dodge Charger. He noted that the car would have to be ordered and it would take up to 120 days to get it. Chief Drake noted that the Board could order whatever color they wanted to. Ald. Kohley stated that the Car would have the Police package in it. The Mayor suggested since the Dodge Charger that they had looked at was sold, there was no hurry to purchase a new one and he suggested discussing it during the budget sessions. Ald. Kohley noted that he and Curt had visited with the Clerk about the financial standings of the City. The Clerk told the Board that this time she had included with their packets a breakdown on the bill sheets of how much the city revenues were this year minus expenditures and balances of all the accounts so that they would all be aware of the financial welfare of the city. She also noted that she had included the cash bank balances, restricted account balances and Certificates of Deposit amounts. She noted that though the accounts were all in the black, the balances were not a lot. She also noted that there was money in each bank balance that had been accumulated from past years. She stated that the amounts carried over from year to year have dwindled but all of the accounts were still in the black. Chief Drake stated that the price Fletcher Dodge quoted would only be good until December 31st 2015 and under the State contract it would need to be ordered prior to the 31st.   Ald. Wilson noted that for a new light bar and installation they would need to spend about $2500.00 above the price of the car.  Ald. Wilson moved to purchase a 2016 Dodge Charge from Fletcher Auto. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. The Board decided to keep the Ford Expedition and place the Crown Vic out for bid. They also agreed to order the car in the same color of gray to match the Dodge Patrol Truck.

    The Board discussed the following new business:  

                            1. The Mayor noted that the Hunte Corporation had turned in an application for a Kennel License to have a pet rescue and adoption center. The name of the Kennel will be Shake a Paw Center for Rescue and Adoption. Ald. Wilson moved to allow Ryan Boyle, from the Hunte Corporation to purchase the kennel license. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

    The Department heads gave the following reports:

    Curt Drake- told the Board he had an individual that he would like to interview for a reserve position. He stated that his name was John Wynn, that he had worked with him in the past and that he felt that he would work well with him and Adam. He asked the Board if it would be OK for the Mayor to sit in the interview and then if he and the Mayor agreed to hire Mr. Wynn could they go ahead and do so. The Board agreed to let the Mayor and Curt decide whether or not to hire him as a reserve.

    Denis Kolb- had nothing to report.

    David Brodie- noted when he came to work this morning the chlorinator at the well on Barlow Street was not working and the pump at the School Street Well had stopped working. He noted that they had gotten the chlorinator working but he had to call Reavis the pump people at Crane to come over and look at the well on School St. He said they ended up pulling the pump and motor and believe that the motor was struck by lightning. He said they ordered a new motor and that it should be in tomorrow afternoon.

    He said that he had asked Hunte to cut down their water use as much as possible because the pump at the City Hall did not pump as much water as the School Street well.

                   – asked the Board to consider how the mowing is going to be maintained at the ballpark. He stated that it takes him and David Sarratt two afternoons a week to mow but does not include any weed eating. He said that he had hoped to not mow but every two or three weeks during the fall but now because of the league using the fields one night a week they were going to have to keep it mowed more often. He wanted the Board to know that they have many other jobs that need to be done, things like fixing pot holes, brush cutting, replacing street signs and various other things. He asked the Board to consider looking into what could be budgeted to hire someone to mow. The Board agreed to discuss the situation during the budget sessions.

                   – he noted that Ald. Wilson had asked him about getting some tires for the 1996 Ford Truck. He said that Goodman Gas and Service had given him prices for 4 different tires, but he would recommend the ones for $139.00. The Board agreed to have him buy two tires.

    Paula Brodie – noted the employee bar-b-que date has been changed to Sept 27, 2015 at 2:00PM

    The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $30,900.68.  Ald. Wilson asked about the bill from C-Mart and Ald. Kohley asked about what was wrong with the dump truck. Officer Miller stated that sometimes he had to get his car filled up after the Mini Mart was closed so he would go to C-Mart to get the car filled and David explained what repairs were done on the dump truck. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $30,900.68.  Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar, Coe and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

    Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Wilson seconded.  Ald. Coe, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Minutes-September 1, 2015

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday night September 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley and Roger Coe. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Chief of Police Curt Drake, Officer Miller and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Also present were Lois Kolb, Cathy Howard, Peterson and Rita Greene from the McDonald County Press. Ald. Kezar was not present.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

The Board discussed the minutes from the Public Hearing on August 18, 2015.  Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the meetings on July 21, 2015. Ald. Kohley noted that the minutes reflected that the second paragraph from the bottom showed Ald. Kezar voting twice when one of the votes was his. Ald. Wilson removed his original motion. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the minutes with the noted correction changing Ald. Kezar’s second vote to his name. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on August 18, 2015.  Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the meetings on August 18, 2015. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Coe and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Cathy Howard who was present to ask the Board to average her water bill because of a leak. The Clerk noted that Ms. Howard had the leak fixed and then after this last reading it was discovered that she had another one. She noted that the Board might want to average both months. The Mayor noted that the average dollar amount would be $94.54 for both months. It was noted that she had already paid the higher bill so if they averaged both months she would end up with a small credit. Ald. Kohley moved to Average both months. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor noted that Mr. Jerry Reardon was not present.

The Mayor acknowledged Chris Brodie. Chris stated that he would like to organize a Co-Ed slow pitch softball league to play at the Goodman Ballpark on Tuesday nights from Sept 15th to November 3rd with an all-day tournament to be held on November 7th. He said the Tuesday night games would begin at 6:00PM and they would be finished and off the ball fields by 10:00PM. He stated that each team would pay a fee and the fee minus any expenses would be given to the Goodman Recreation Department to help with their expenses. He asked if they could use the bathrooms. The Board discussed the use of the bathrooms, concession stand and the lights at no charge because the funds were going to be returned to Recreation Department. Chris stated he had talked with Heath Lewis about using the concession stand and he had said he would work with them. Chris stated that he would like to see it become an annual tournament, maybe even look into a springtime tournament prior to the summer ball season. He said that he would oversee the games and be there every night.  Ald. Wilson moved to allow Chris Brodie to organize a Fall Slow Pitch soft ball league and hold the games at the Goodman Ballpark using the lights, concession stand and bathrooms. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Peterson Lebehn from the First Micronesian Church. He was present to inform the Board that the church was having a storage building built. He said that their hopes were while they renovated the church they would use the storage building to hold church services and then when the church was remodeled they would move back into the church and keep using the storage building for storage. The Clerk noted since the storage unit has a concrete floor, water and electricity they had purchased a building permit and paid the inspection fees. He was asked if there was a possibility that anyone would be moving into it for a period of time. He told the board no. He stated it would never be used for a living space. The Board thanked him for coming and explaining what their future plans were.  

The Board discussed the following old business:   The Clerk noted that she had forgotten to price the shipping of the table. She stated that the shipping cost was $170.00. She asked the Board if she should go ahead and order the table and they agreed to go ahead and purchase it.             

The Board discussed the following new business:  The Clerk noted that she had given the Board a notice from the Missouri Municipal League about a regional meeting/workshop they are holding in Ash Grove on October 29, 2015. She stated that the Board needed to RSVP by October 23, 2015. 

The Department heads gave the following reports:

Curt Drake- told the Board that he had to change his grant application because he found out that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant will not pay for Tasers. He stated that he was asking for two light bars and sirens boxes. He noted that the grant application included body cameras and a gun rack. He noted that the City’s cost would be $1,009.87 and the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant would pay $9,999.94 with the total cost being $11,009.81.  He stated that he had to give the project a name so he had named it the Communications and Officer Safety Improvement Project. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the application for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $11,009.81. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley stated that he had been working with Curt to get prices quotes on a new police vehicle. He noted that he had priced a 2016 Dodge Crew Cab for $29,471.00 through the Missouri contract, a 2016 Dodge Ram for $24,905.00, a 2014 new Ford Taurus Interceptor for 22,500.00. He stated that Smith Auto Group at the state line had a 2014 (new) Dodge Charger with the police package for $21,429.00. It has a full factory warranty for 36 months/36,000 miles. He stated that the car was ordered for the Gravette police department but it came in the wrong color so they did not accept delivery of it. He stated that he had the car outside for the Board to look at it after the meeting. He stated that it was a savings of $13,000.00 off of the list price.

The Mayor stated that the Board could look at it and make a decisions later. He also noted that the Police Department had received an anonymous donation for the flashlights Curt had wanted. He stated that since it was a donation Curt would be getting the flashlights.

Denis Kolb- . no comments

David Brodie- reported that he had ordered the carport for the park from Jerry Reardon and the bathrooms are almost finished at the ballpark. David asked for permission to get prices for two bigger motors to run the blowers at the treatment plant. He stated that he would have to change out the wiring and the breakers to handle the bigger motors, but his DO is back up and the only way he can keep it down is to keep both blowers running constantly which raises the electric bill at the treatment plant. Ald. Wilson asked if he was going to see about replacing the tires on the older city truck. David said he would get some prices together for the Board meeting next week.

Paula Brodie – The Mayor noted that he had received notice that Paula had received the designation of Missouri Professional City Clerk, which is the highest designation of the Missouri City Clerks and Finance Officers Association.

The Board agreed to hold the employees bar-b-que on September 20th ad 2:00PM at Ald. Kohley’s house.

The Board discussed the bills including transfers in the amount of $17,609.20.  Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills including transfers in the amount of $17,609.20.  Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Coe seconded.  Ald. Kohley, Coe and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


Agenda-September 15, 2015




Tuesday September 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on     September 1, 2015.

3.    Citizens comments.

4.    Discuss any old business:  

                        1. Discuss the Lester Kramburg Properties. (Board gave 90 days on June 16th). 

                        2. Discuss the purchase of a Patrol Car.                           

5.    Discuss any new business:  

                        1. Note application from the Hunte Corporation for a Kennel License to have a pet rescue and adoption center.

6.    Department head reports:

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb- . 

David Brodie-

Paula Brodie – note employee bar-b-que date has been changed to Sept 27, 2015 at 2:00PM

7.   Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $30,900.68.

8.   Adjourn the meeting. 

Agenda-September 1, 2015



Tuesday September 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.    Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.    Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on August 18, 2015 and the minutes from the  Public Hearing on August 18, 2015.

3.     Acknowledge Cathy Howard regarding averaging her water bill because of a leak.

4.     Acknowledge Jerry Reardon regarding old water bill due at Jerry’s Used Car.

5.    Citizens comments.

6.    Discuss any old business:                              

7.    Discuss any new business:  

8.    Department head reports:

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb- . 

David Brodie-

Paula Brodie –

9.   Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $17,609.20.

10.   Adjourn the meeting. 


Minutes-Tax Levy Hearing 08-18-2015


Tuesday August 18 2015 at 6:50 PM at the

Goodman City Hall to set the 2015 Tax Levy at $0.6525

August 18, 2015

Tax Levy Public Hearing

The Board of Aldermen held a public hearing on Tuesday night August 18, 2015 at 6:50PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Calvin Wilson, Alice Kezar and Roger Coe. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Paula Brodie. Guests included Lois Kolb and Rita Greene from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:50 PM. He noted that the meeting is being held to hear public input regarding the setting of the 2015 tax levy at $0.6525 per $100.00 evaluation on Real and Personal Property.

The Mayor asked for any Citizens comments. There were none.

The Mayor noted that the Ordinance had to be set by September 1st, so the Board would be voting on it two times in this meeting as they would not be meeting again in August.

The Mayor read by title only the first reading of Bill # 2015-462 for Ordinance #2015-472 setting the 2015 tax levy at $0.6525. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the first reading of Bill #2015-462 for Ordinance #2015-472 setting the 2015 tax levy at $0.6525 per every $100.00 evaluation on Real and Personnel Property. Ald. Coe second. Ald. Kohley, Kezar, Wilson and Coe voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor read by title only the second reading of Bill # 2015-462 for Ordinance #2015-472 setting the 2015 tax levy at $0.6525. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the second reading of Bill #2015-462 for Ordinance #2015-472 setting the 2015 tax levy at $0.6525 per every $100.00 evaluation on Real and Personnel Property. Ald. Kezar second. Ald. Kezar, Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the Public Hearing at 6:53 PM. Ald. Kezar second.  Ald. Coe, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.