Council Meeting-March 7, 2017

Tuesday March 7, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Roger Coe and Alice Kezar. Ald. Keith Kohley was not present. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Police Chief Curt Drake and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were, Carol Coe, Lois Kolb, Nathan Wagner, Wally Jeffers, Shauna Landess, Joseph Lomabrdo and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M and noted Ald. Keith Kohley not present due to illness.

The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting held on February 21, 2017. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting February 21, 2017. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the minutes from the special meeting February 23, 2017. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the special meeting February 23, 2017. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe and Wilson voted aye and Ald. Kezar abstained.

The Board discussed the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-480, Ordinance
NO. 2017-490, an Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a New Code of Ordinances of the City of
Goodman. Ald. Kezar made a motion to approve Bill NO. 2017-480, Ordinance NO. 2017 490, an
Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a New Code of Ordinances of the City of Goodman. Ald. Coe
seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed averaging Jackie Walter’s water bill. City Clerk McNorton explained the leak was checked after the last meeting and it was fixed. To average the bill would be $202.10 for both months and $169.08 for the last month. McNorton noted she had explained the 20% if your bill is $200.00 to $500.00 to The Walters family. Ald. Wilson made a motion to average Jackie Walters bill in the amount of $ 202.10. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

City Supervisor Brodie noted that Mr. Hughes was also here to discuss averaging his water bill. Mr. Hughes had a leak under his house and it has now been fixed. He is asking for both February and March bill to be averaged at a total of $66.63. Ald. Wilson made a motion to average both months for a total of $66.63. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the condemnation of the Shauna Landess property at 108 W. Williams.
Ms. Landesses son, Mr. Lombardo explained they have not had the funds to purchase the materials needed until recently to fix the roof. He explained the materials are to arrive on Friday and the Board will see work being done within two weeks. He has completed the work needed on the outside while waiting for the funds. The Board agreed to give him 30 more days. The discussion was tabled until the April 4, 2017 meeting.

The Mayor noted Jill Cornett from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council was not present to discuss the Comprehensive Plan. City clerk McNorton explained she had not heard as to why Ms. Cornett was not present. It was agreed not to put Ms. Cornett back on the agenda until there was verification she could be present.

Old Business: The roof of the Community Building has two of pieces edging that needs put on and David should be able to take care of that.

New Business: City Clerk McNorton explained that the Resolution 2017-0001 for the 2016 Hazardous Mitigation Plan needed to be passed as it is passed every five years. Ald. Wilson made a motion to adopt resolution 2017-0001, regarding the 2016 Hazardous Mitigation Plan. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond then noted the Ozark Orchard Festival will be meeting at City Hall on Thursday March 9, 2017 at 7:00 to further discuss the Festival.

Citizens Business: Greg noted Mr. Clark had asked about the Speed Limit sign on Garner as we do not have enough and people seem to like to speed through there and he will even pay for one. David Brodie will be ordering a sign.

Mr. Jeffers also asked about drones with cameras. He says people are flying them around. It was noted that they are supposed to have a license by the FFA.

Department Reports-

Curt Drake- Officer Wynn has given his notice and March 9, 2017 is his last day. Curt mentioned the possibility of having a couple of the reserves work part time instead of hiring a full time officer. It was mentioned by Curt that the new reserve Joe Haswell has been riding with him and would be interested in a full time position. Mr. Jeffers noted he has met with Mr. Haswell and he is a nice guy. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to have an ad put in the paper for the position.

Dennis Kolb- Noting to report

David Brodie- David noted the lawn mowers have been serviced and the blades sharpened and one of the batteries needs some work. He also is going to need to order some non-select brush killer and they will be hauling sludge starting tomorrow.

Meghan Sexson-Nothing to report

Karla McNorton-Karla reminded the Board she would be at the City Clerks Spring Institute Monday through Thursday and wanted to thank the Board for allowing her to go. Also Karla had received a scholarship from Connell Insurance after it was approved at the last meeting, to help pay for the City Clerks training.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $31,771.10, including transfers. Ald. Kezar made a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $31,771.10 including transfers. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Agenda-March 21, 2017

Tuesday February 21, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall

1. Call the meeting to order.

2. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from March 7, 2017.

3. Old Business.

4. New Business.

5. Citizens Business.

6. Department head reports.
Curt Drake-
Denis Kolb-
David Sarratt-
Meghan Sexson-
Karla McNorton- Jill Cornett from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council would like to schedule a separate meeting to discuss the Comprehensive Plan and wanted to know when
a good time for the Board would be.

8. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $21, 749.56 including transfers.

8. Move to adjourn the meeting.

Agenda-Council Meeting March 7, 2017 at 7:00 P.M.

Tuesday March 7, 2017 at 7:00PM at the
Goodman City Hall

1. Call the meeting to order.

2. Discuss and vote on the minutes from the regular meeting held on February 21, 2017 and the special meeting held on February 23, 2017.

3. Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-481, Ordinance NO. 2017
491, an Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a New Code of Ordinances of the City of Goodman.

4. Discuss averaging Jackie Walter’s water bill.

5. Discuss condemnation of Shauna Landess property at 108 W. Williams.

6. Acknowledge Jill Cornett from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council to discuss the
Comprehensive Plan.

7. Old Business.

8. New Business.

9. Citizens Business.

10. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $. 31,771.10, including transfers

11. Move to adjourn the meeting.

Council Meeting Minutes February 7, 2017


Tuesday February 7, 2017


The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Roger Coe and Alice Kezar. Also present were Police Chief Curt Drake, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were, Carol Coe, Lois Kolb, Ron Johnson and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.


At 7:00 P.M. the Mayor immediately noted that a meeting could not be held as we did not have a Quorum.


The Mayor also noted by emergency that the bills would be paid and ratified at the next meeting.

AGENDA – COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Tuesday February 21, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from March 7, 2017.


  1. Old Business.


  1. New Business.


  1. Citizens Business.


  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Sarratt-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton- Jill Cornett from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council would like to schedule a separate meeting to discuss the Comprehensive Plan and wanted to know when a good time for the Board would be.



  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $ including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn the meeting.

SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING – Tuesday February 7, 2016 Immediately following the regular Council Meeting

Did not have a Quorum, No meeting held


1. Call the meeting to order.


2. Vote to go into closed session pursuant to RSMO. Section 610.021, Section (3) to discuss hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.


3. Announce any decisions made during the closed session.


4. Vote to adjourn the closed meeting.


SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING – Tuesday, January, 31 2017 at 7:00 PM

1. Call the meeting to order.


2. Vote to go into closed session pursuant to RSMO. Section 610.021, Section (1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving a public governmental body and any confidential or privileged communications between a public governmental body or its representatives and its attorneys. 


3. Announce any decisions made during the closed session.


4. Vote to adjourn the closed meeting.

SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING – Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1. Call the meeting to order.

2. Vote to go into closed session pursuant to RSMO. Section 610.021, Section (1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving a public governmental body and any confidential or privileged communications between a public governmental body or its representatives and its attorneys.

3. Announce any decisions made during the closed session.

4. Vote to adjourn the closed meeting.

AGENDA – Tuesday January 17, 2017 at 7:00, Goodman City Hall

1.   Call the meeting to order.

2.   Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from January 3, 2017.

3.   Acknowledge Jon Skinner from the Dept. of Conservation.

4.   Discuss the Joint Land Use Study implementation process and the Comprehensive Plan for the City.

5.   Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only Bill NO. 2017-476 Ord. NO. 2017-486, reimposing the sales tax on residential utility service provided within the municipality.

6.  Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-477 Ord. NO. 2017-487, increasing the residential water rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons.

7.   Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-478 Ord. NO. 2017-488, increasing the commercial water rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons.

8.  Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-479 Ord. NO. 2017-489, increasing the sewer rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons.

9.  Discuss and vote on the quote from Keels Consulting for a new water computer.

10. Discuss and vote on signing the letter to First Community Bank.

11.  Citizens Business.

12.  Old Business.

13.  New Business.

14.    Department head reports.

  • Curt Drake-
  • Denis Kolb-
  • David Brodie-
  • Meghan Sexson-
  • Karla McNorton- The first meeting to discuss this year’s Ozark Orchard Festival will be Tuesday January 24, 2016 at 7:00.

15.   Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $23589.25 including transfers.

16.   Move to adjourn the meeting.

COUNCIL MEETING – Tuesday January 3, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2017, at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Roger Coe and Alice Kezar. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Senior Officer John Wynn, and Asst. City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were, Carol Coe, Lois Kolb, Wesley Slaughter, Ron Johnson, Jill Cornett, Rick Schlottke and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the minutes from the special meeting held on December 20, 2016.

Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the special meeting December 20. 2016.Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting held on December 20, 2016. Ald. Kohley noted on the minutes it has him bringing up the light at the Emergency Management building stays on all the time and it was Ald. Wilson who brought it up. Ald. Kohley made a motion to accept the minutes with the change for the regular meeting December 20. 2016. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kohley and Wilson voted aye. Ald. Kezar abstained.

The Mayor acknowledged Wesley Slaughter to discuss averaging his water bill. Mr. Slaughter explained he had found his outside faucet had cracked due to the cold and was leaking all over the   ground and he didn’t notice it until he went out back and found it. He has now fixed the problem and asked that the Board consider averaging his water bill. The Board discussed his averaged amount would be $94.95 with the 20% added for the bill being over $200.00. Ald. Wilson made a motion to average Wesley Slaughter’s bill to $94.95. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Tammie Nolan to discuss her grandson doing community service.

Tammie Nolan was not present.

The Mayor acknowledged Jill Cornett from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council (HSTCC), to discuss the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) implementation process and the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Goodman. Jill first thanked the Board for supporting the HSTCC. She then handed the Board information on why you should have a comprehensive plan and a map showing the City of Goodman and surrounding areas. She then explained about the JLUS and the purpose for the Comprehensive plan. She also explained that HSTCC currently has a contract with the Department of Defense to implement the plan and that the plan is designed to protect the interests of the community. She asked that the Board think about who they consider the community leaders to be to represent the City for the comprehensive plan and when HSTCC could meet with them. She also explained HSTCC works closely with Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) and that MODOT has grants that are not just for streets to be repaired. They have grants to repair or put in sidewalks, bike trails and walking trails and that HSTCC could let the City know about the grants. The Board thanked Jill for being there and will let her know when they have decided who the community leaders are and when HSTCC can meet with them.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only Bill NO. 2017-476 Ord. NO. 2017-486, reimposing the sales tax on residential utility service provided within the municipality. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the first reading by title only Bill NO. 2017-476 Ord. NO. 2017-486, reimposing the sales tax on residential utility service provided within the municipality Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-477 Ord. NO. 2017-487,   increasing the residential water rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-477 Ord. NO. 2017-487,   increasing the residential water rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons.  Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-478 Ord. NO. 2017-488,

increasing the commercial water rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Kohley made a motion to accept the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-478 Ord. NO. 2017-488, increasing the commercial water rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-479 Ord. NO. 2017-489, increasing the sewer rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Kohley made a motion to accept the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2017-479 Ord. NO. 2017-489, increasing the sewer rates by $1.00 for the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the Mayor signing the 2016 Subscription for Statutory Updates Confirmation form from General Code. Ald. Wilson made a motion to have Mayor Richmond sign the 2016 Subscription for Statutory Updates Confirmation form from General Code. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed filling the City Clerk position. Ald. Wilson made a motion that Karla McNorton be the City Clerk. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Citizens Business: There was no citizens business.

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: There was no new business.

Department head reports:

  • John Wynn- John first told the Board he has gotten a lot of positive feedback about the Holiday Express Train and wanted the Board to know. He then told the Board he needed new cables for the radar unit and  that he will get prices and email them to Karla before the next meeting.
  • Denis Kolb- Nothing to report.
  • David Brodie- David asked the Board that he be able to go to another class on the Electronic reporting in Jefferson City in February, as he feels he needs more training. The Board agreed if he feels he needs more training, he should go.
  • Meghan Sexson- Meghan noted she had given the Board the December report and that it was a very good month. She also noted she will be sending out past dues in the next two weeks.
  • Karla McNorton- Karla noted she had included the General Code MO State Legislature changes affecting municipalities in their packets. She then noted that she had spoken with Michael with Keels Consulting and asked for a quote for the new water computer we budgeted for this year. It was discussed that the new computer should be less that the clerk computer recently replaced as Michael won’t need to try and get information off it because the data isn’t corrupted.
  • The Mayor asked if Karla could have the quote by the next meeting and Karla believed she could.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $50, 254.71 including transfers. Ald. Kezar made a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $50, 254.71 including transfers. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.