Agenda-July 18, 2017



Tuesday July 18, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from July 3, 2017.


  1. Old Business.


  1. New Business.


  1. Citizens Business.


  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton- Discuss changing the Comprehensive Plan meeting date from July 25, 2017 to August 22, 2017. Discuss 90 day probation for Dana Cornwell.


  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $52,795.76 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn the meeting.


Council Meeting-July 3, 2017

Monday July 3, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Monday July 3, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Alice Kezar and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Police Chief Curt Drake and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Lois Kolb, Roger and Carol Coe, Josh Wagner, Aaron Patterson, Edward Tuomala, Jim Morgan and Nick Myers

Mayor Pro-Tem Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from June 20, 2017. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the regular meeting minutes held on June 20, 2017. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Mayor Pro-Tem Calvin Wilson noted Ald. Keith Kohley and Mayor Greg Richmond were absent.

Mayor Pro-Tem Wilson noted we were going to move the agenda a bit to allow Nick Myers, CPA to give the Audit Report so he can get back to Joplin. Mr. Myers noted that the current assets and the balance sheet look good. He also noted that with the depreciation, the city needs more revenue for the water and sewer and noted the bonds will be paid off in 2039. He then recommended segregation of duties and noted it is hard to do with the small amount of employees the City has. He also recommended paying employment taxes online and using the depreciation schedule in Easy Accounting for the fixed assets.

Ald. Johnson moved to approve the Audit Report from Nick Myers, CPA. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Pro-Tem Wilson acknowledged Josh Wagner and Aaron Patterson to discuss building a home. Josh noted they have moved the home to a 90 degree angle to take care of the spacing of the railroad and the property lines. This helped to get the spacing as correct as possible. It was discussed needing a lift station and the sewer line will be about 210 feet running from the foundation to the manhole using a 2 inch pipe and David suggested a check valve be installed. After a brief discussion, Ald. Johnson moved to waive the variance fee with the plans presented and the sewer conditions discussed. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Pro-Tem Wilson acknowledged Jim Morgan to discuss setbacks for Fire Department.
Jim gave the Board a plan that the Goodman Area Fire Protection District (GAFPD) is considering building back on the existing foundation on Main St. He explained that the GAFPD has purchased the Bright Futures building and are going to build the fire station back and incorporate that into the building and make offices out of that space or tear down the building and rebuild. He also discussed possibly tearing down the old Bank and Clinic and using that space. He explained the GAFPD will be putting it out for bid and will have to see how much it will cost, as that will need to be torn down also. He noted that the GAFPD should know in about a month.

Old Business: Mayor Pro-Tem Wilson noted the house on 108 W. Williams has not really had any work done to it and the Board was told that the shingling would be done around the 4th of June. He has asked that Building inspector Marcus Pratt come in and inspect it to see if the progress up to now is at proper building standards and feels we should start the condemnation process at the August 1, 2017 meeting.

New Business: None

Citizens Business: Roger Coe asked what the City had found out about zoning his property to Residential. It was explained that when the zoning was done, everything around him was commercial and there sat his house and that he was grandfathered in to the commercial district. Coe noted that according to his lawyers, it should not be an issue to have his property zoned residential. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to do more research and discuss again at a later date. The discussion was tabled.

Department head reports.
Curt Drake- Curt noted that he had backed into a light pole and the rear bumper of Dodge Ram needs repaired. He noted he got a bid from Charles Whitehill to replace it at $280.00. Ald. Johnson moved to have the truck fixed by Charles Whitehill for $280.00. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Curt then asked if the City would again consider replacing the boots that were damaged after the tornado. After a brief discussion, it was agreed the City will not be replacing the boots.

Denis Kolb- Dennis introduced Jennifer Nelson and noted she will be the new Emergency Management Communications Officer and will be helping during storms. The Board noted they were glad to have her with the City.

David Brodie- David noted that the City of Neosho was here and they are going to donate time and help with the cleanup from the tornado. David also noted the dump is ready for them to haul the debris to. Demo is to begin at the school on Wednesday and the water can’t be turned off to the school, so he has to go to the main and shut it off. He is going to take out the meter and line so that it’s not an issue during demo.

Meghan Sexson- Not present

Karla McNorton- Karla asked that the Board approve her going to the Floodplain Management class to stay in compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program.
Ald. Kezar moved to approve paying the mileage for Karla going to the Floodplain Management Class July 27 and 28, 2017. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $22,026.00 including transfers. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the bills in the amount of $22,026.00, including transfers. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Agenda-July 3, 2017



Monday July 3, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from June 20, 2017.


  1. Acknowledge John Wagner and Aaron Patterson about building a house.


  1. Acknowledge Jim Morgan to discuss setbacks for Fire Department.


  1. Acknowledge Nick Myers, CPA to give 2016 Audit results.


  1. Old Business.


  1. New Business.


  1. Citizens Business.


  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake- Discuss fixing rear bumper on Dodge Ram

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton- Discuss going to the Floodplain Management Class



  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $22,026.00 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn the meeting.


Council Meeting-June 20, 2017


Tuesday June 20, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Police Chief Curt Drake, City Clerk Karla McNorton and City Water Clerk Dana Cornwell. Also present were Lois Kolb, Roger and Carol Coe, Stanley Coe, Josh Wagner, Aaron Patterson, Edward Tuomala and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the regular meeting held on June 6, 2017. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the regular meeting minutes from June 6, 2017. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Ald. Kezar abstained from the vote.

The Board discussed the public meeting minutes from June 13, 2017. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the Public meeting minutes from June 13, 2017. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Josh Wagner and Aaron Patterson to discuss building a home. Josh discussed they want to build a home for a fellow citizen (Edward Tuomala) that lost his house in the April Tornado. The house is to be built at 200 Stites St. and will be 832 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. The house is smaller than required. The foundation that is already there is to be used with the north and south to stay the same and wants to extend the foundation 10 extra feet to the east. The railroad has a 50 foot right of way on either side of the track.

According to David B. the sewer is going to be a problem. It leaves them shy on land to put in a septic and it is too far away from the sewer line. When asked what plans were for the sewer they were not sure yet. David B. recommended an individual lift station if they would have the funds available for that. The Mayor recommended that they try to figure the sewer out and that they would like to revisit this matter in 2 weeks at the July 3rd.meeting. The mayor also informed Aaron & Josh that if approved they would have to apply for a variance costing $75.00.

The Board discussed the insurance claim from the April tornado. City Clerk McNorton noted that we have all the insurance claims amounts and the total is on the paper I gave you. The amount received for the community center was $67,808.56. That was with the whole claim being a total deductible of $2500.00 taken out. The total deductible if the community center was the only thing damaged would’ve been $1000.00, giving the amount for the community center claim being $69,308.56. I have spoken with Brian West from Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council (HSTCC) and he is looking into possible grants to rebuild.

The city had plans drawn up at one time for a post disaster community building costing $250,000.00. The Mayor suggested if we could get a grant for 60 or 70 thousand and then just add another $30,000 to we could have a pretty nice community building.

McNorton stated we got 66,132.00 for the ballpark lights and fencing and after a brief discussion, it was decided to put out bids until July 18th at 4p.m. David B. said he would get ahold of Neosho and Joplin to see who they used for their lighting systems.

Old Business: NONE

New Business: NONE


Citizens Business: Roger Coe understands his property is zoned commercial and would like it to be rezoned as residential. Mayor Richmond explained he would have to request for a zoning change, pay the fee and have a public hearing. After a brief discussion it was decided we would need to find out the fee for rezoning and talk to Duane about the legalities of the situation so all parties involved are in the right.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- Both units are fixed. The charger was picked up Monday June 19, 2017. The charger still needs new decals put on it. Curt would like to use some of the insurance that we didn’t use on fixing the vehicles to get matching decals done for the truck also.

Discussed in previous meeting noted would like to look at a refurbished handheld scanner for the suv. After some research they no longer sell refurbed scanners. A new one, one directional is $1550.00 or a new duel directional one is $2016.50. He stated would like to get a new dual directional scanner and put it in the charger and put the one in the charger in the suv so we have 3 fully functional vehicles. The discussion was tabled on the radar.

Also, made a note of would still like to get the SUV in the shop to find out why it is blowing fuses.

Curt also said he would like to get with the Mayor in the next couple days about hiring a couple of reserves that have applied to replace the ones we lost.

Denis Kolb- Mr. Kolb had nothing to report, however; Mr. Kohley wanted to report that there is a tropical storm in the gulf and that he wanted people to know that they would be keeping an eye on it to see which way it turns and if we will be getting any weather from it.

David Brodie- The community building that was being taken apart has been left. There are boards, screws and nails just left laying everywhere. David B. would like letters sent to J.R. Fisher and Marshall Long asking them to finish cleaning up what they started.

Meghan Sexson- NOT PRESENT

Karla McNorton- Had nothing to report. Ald. Kezar stated she would be going in Karla’s place to the HSTCC meeting on June 21, 2017. Mayor Richmond stated he will be out of town on the July 3rd meeting.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $41,364.87, including transfers. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the bills in the amount of $41,364.87, including transfers. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Agenda-June 20, 2017



Tuesday June 20, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from June 6, 2017.


  1. Discuss and vote on the Public meeting minutes from June 13, 2017


  1. Acknowledge Josh Wagner and Aaron Patterson t discuss building a home.


  1. Discuss insurance claim from tornado and repairs needed.


  1. Old Business.


  1. New Business.


  1. Citizens Business.


  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton-



  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $41,364.87 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn the meeting.

Council Meeting-June 6, 2017


Tuesday June 6, 2017


The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Police Chief Curt Drake, City Clerk Karla McNorton and City Water Clerk Dana Cornwell. Also present were Lois Kolb, Roger and Carol Coe, Kevin Keeney, Paula Brodie, Joseph Lombardo, Jared Mackall and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.   Mayor Richmond noted that Ald. Kezar was not present.

The Board discussed the public meeting held on May 16, 2017 Ald. Johnson asked that the May 16, 2017 minutes be amended to reflect that the public meeting started at 6 P.M. not 7 P.M.

Ald. Johnson moved to approve the public meeting minutes from May 16, 2017 with the amendment. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from May 16, 2017. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the regular meeting minutes from May 16, 2017. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board acknowledged Jim Morgan to discuss the Zoning Ordinance for a possible new Fire Station on Main Street. Mr. Morgan noted that they would like to put the fire station back in the previous location on Main St. Mr. Morgan also stated that the surveyor would be coming back out to get an accurate reading of where the property lines are at so they know how wide & deep they can go. Mr. Morgan said they are in the planning stages and nothing has been decided yet. He just wants to get everything lined out, so when he comes back to the board he will have a definite plan. Ald. Wilson noted it may be better to get the Cities attorney together with the Fire Dept. attorney to make sure there will be no issues with the zoning. Mr. Morgan also stated that we need a station on the North and South side of the tracks in order to help protect our citizens in case of a fire. After a brief discussion, the Mayor asked the City Clerk to contact the City Attorney about the zoning. The discussion was tabled until a later board meeting.

The Board discussed changing the date for the first Council Meeting July 4, 2017. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to have the First Council Meeting on Monday July 3, 2017 at 7:00 P.M.

Old Business: Mr. Lombardo from 108 W. Williams St. said the roofer would be at the house by no later than June 19, 2017. Lots of joists need to be replaced and noted he took out another tree. Mr. Lombardo then noted that it is hard to get a lot done while working a full time job & lack of funds to proceed. Ald. Wilson agreed it is hard to work a full time job and find time to do outside projects, but improvements need to be seen as this has been going on for around 2 yrs. or so. After a brief discussion the board decided to give Mr. Lombardo 60 days to see more improvements done to the property and asked that he come back to the Council meeting on August 1, 2017 to give an update on the progress.

New Business: Mr. Keeney wanted to know why it takes so long to get notices of waist high grass sent out to citizens, why don’t we just write them a ticket. Chief Drake stated that per Judge Davidson’s orders, we are to send out notices to citizens giving them a chance to clean up before issuing them a ticket. Ald. Wilson said all we can do is hope they clean up their yards and if not, then we can issue them a ticket in hopes that they will then clean up their yard. However, we as city employees and citizens cannot go on anyone’s property and clean it for them without their permission. Mr. Keeney also wanted to know if the city could get “slow children at play” signs for streets in Goodman. The board acknowledged and stated that the signs were kind of a double edge sword, as we don’t want kids playing in the streets, but by putting up a sign its saying the kids can.

Citizens Business: NONE

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- Drake noted the Charger will be out of the repair shop with any luck, in few more days. He noted the repair shop found more dents then initially thought. Drake is hoping to get the Truck in the shop this Friday (June 9, 2017); and said it should only take a couple of days to fix at most. Drake then noted the Expedition needs a new radar and the handheld no longer works. Drake is hoping once Charger is back that he can check out prices of refurbished radars for the expedition as well as get the expedition in the shop to have all the power points checked out. He also noted that he should be getting the new decals done in the next week or so. Hutches needs a solid glass door to finish the decals. Mayor Richmond said he thought he had 2 that they could have.

Denis Kolb- Stated he would like to take the 5mbps internet speed up to 15 or 20mbps. With the weather and storms we have had as of late, he thinks the emergency management team needs the upgrade in order to keep up with the radar and to give the citizens more warning of impending weather conditions. The board members asked how much this would cost. Mr. Kolb said $30.00 for 15-20 mbps. After a brief discussion, Ald. Johnson moved to approve this increase in of 15-20 mbps at $30.00 more a month. Alderperson Wilson seconded this motion. Ald. Kohley, Ald. Johnson, and Ald. Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mr. Kolb also asked for permission to put up a 30ft. tower behind the police station at his own expense. After a brief discussion the board decided to revisit it in a couple of weeks giving time to decide where and how to put it behind the police station, if there was even room for it.

David Brodie- David informed the Board there was a leak over by Choice Puppies. He is not sure if it is their leak or the cities, however Choice Puppies and D. Brodie will be checking it out on June 7, 2017.

He then noted he went to police dept. and the toilet needs to be replaced from the concrete floor and up.

David then mentioned that Monday June 5, 2017 the tower ran down after getting rain in the control box. The city has magnetic contact in all towers and he would like to switch to soft contact. The soft contact will run an approx. $100.00 apiece.

The old white Ford truck is making a popping noise. David has an appt. with Goodman Tire & Auto on June 8, 2017 to look at and fix it if possible.

David also noted he needs 2 front tires for backhoe with tubes, approx. $200.00 a side.

Ald. Kohley moved to have the tires for the backhoe purchased at a total of $400.00. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Kohley, Ald. Wilson and Ald. Johnson voted aye with 0 nays.

David them noted the 2016 CCR report is ready and available for public viewing and the city had no violations.

He then mentioned the remaining stumps and debris at the ballpark. He talked to Jim Morgan from Morgan’s Backhoe & Excavating about clearing off 3 acres from the closed City dump and removing the brush from the ballpark. Morgan said it would cost $500.00. Ald. Wilson motioned to approve Morgan’s Backhoe & Excavating to clear off 3 acres from the closed City dump and remove the brush from the ballpark at a total of $500.00 Ald. Johnson seconded. On June 6, 2017 Ald. Kohley, Ald. Wilson and Ald. Johnson voted aye with 0 nays.

Meghan Sexson- Meghan noted the May delinquents were sent out and she is waiting for the bill from Ulrich Software. She placed a call to Ulrich Software, waiting for a call back.

Karla McNorton- Karla reminded everyone that the Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting is June 13, 2017 at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $28,083.75, including transfers. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills in the amount of $28,083.75, including transfers. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Agenda-June 6, 2017



Tuesday June 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the public meeting and regular meeting minutes from May 16, 2017.

(separate motions)

  1. Acknowledge Jim Morgan to discuss Zoning Ordinance for possible new Fire Station on Main


  1. Discuss changing the date for the first Council Meeting in July, the July 4, 2017 meeting.


  1. Old Business.


  1. New Business.


  1. Citizens Business.


  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton- The Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting is June 13, 2017

at 7:00 P.M.



  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $28, 083.75 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn the meeting.


Council Meeting-May 16, 2017


Tuesday May16, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Ron Johnson and Alice Kezar. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Police Chief Curt Drake and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Lois Kolb, Roger and Carol Coe, Mike Brodie, Debbie Martin, Charlotte Johnson, Jared Mackall and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from May 2, 2017. Ald. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on May 2, 2017. Ald. Kezar Seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley voted aye and Ald. Wilson abstained.

The Board discussed averaging the water bill for Janie Turner. Ald. Wilson made a motion to average Janie Turner’s water bill in the amount of $ 47.42. Ald. Kohley Seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed averaging the water bill for Shirley Boman. Ald. Wilson made a motion to average Shirley Boman’s water bill in the amount of $ 54.51. Ald. Kezar Seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Old Business: It was asked if the City has heard from the school on the cleanup yet. City Supervisor Brodie noted they have cleaned the ditch and the metal around the pole. Mayor Richmond noted he had spoken with Tim Crowley and they have the cleanup out for bid and it will be at least 10 days or so later before the cleanup is started.

New Business:

City Clerk McNorton asked about sending out a letter to the citizens for the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Richmond noted that if we want the public participation we need to send out a letter. It was discussed how much was needed to mail the letters. Ald. Wilson made a motion to send to letter to the citizens about an open meeting for the Comprehensive Plan and needing volunteers for the Planning and Zoning Commission at a total of $250.00 for postage. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Citizens Business:

Mike Brodie asked the Council if they would consider opening the dump to allow the blocks and bricks from the school to be put there if they get the bid for demolition. They would haul away all the wood and metal. Mike was concerned about all the trucks hauling going in and out of town damaging the streets. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that the City may need any remaining room at the dump for the stumps and other debris remaining in town.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- Curt noted the police car will be in the shop for repairs this coming Monday. Ald. Kohley asked if they are still living in the camper at 108 W. Williams, because it looks like they are still living there. Curt noted they were to be out by the middle of the month. McNorton noted Mr. Lombardo did not attend court as he was supposed to this last time. Curt noted he will check. Curt also noted that a new door has been installed by donation by J.R. Fisher.

Denis Kolb- Nothing to report

David Brodie-David noted he was meeting with Master Electric at 8:00 in the morning for the ballpark lights. He noted they were the ones who originally put the lights in. David then noted the chipper is gone from the ballpark and it looks really good. The Mayor noted he had called them the other day as he was concerned the price might be more than the $2000.00 quoted and he was told the price stay at $2000.00. David noted we need to get the stumps removed as soon as possible. Greg had a number of an Angel Gaxolia that David could call. David then noted the dumpsters need to be removed from the ballpark until we regroup and we call have them brought back when needed. Karla noted she planned on calling in the morning. David then noted the Goodman sigh is fixed except two letters that needed work. Springfield Sign will bring back and install after they’re repaired.

The Mayor then asked about the lights around the ballpark were working. David noted he believes they are. Mayor Richmond noted he would look at them tonight and see. The Mayor then asked about the sign at the ballpark. David noted it was down. The pipe holding it up got messed up during the tornado and when he went to put it back up, it broke. He believes he can fix it. The Mayor then noted he had been to a graduation yesterday at Bull Skin Creek Ranch and some of the features are what he would like to see when the Board decides whether to rebuild the community center. It had a sitting area with rocking chairs and such but not to be as grand as that place is.

Meghan Sexson- Meghan noted she had been approached about why our tax notices did not look like County’s. County’s come out with the delinquent amount on them already, so she called Jennifer Webber and asked her about it. Jennifer said it would be an additional $130.00 to have the delinquent amount printed on them and Meghan feels it would save time and money. She then explained the process and how much paper is involved. Clerk McNorton them noted she felt it would save money as they City is charged for each piece of paper through the copier too. Ald. Johnson made motion to have the delinquent amounts put on the statements from County. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Meghan then noted she will be sending out the delinquent notices soon.

Karla McNorton- wanted to remind everyone about the Pet Clinic is Saturday at 10:00 A.M.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $40,560.70 including transfers. Ald. Kezar made a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $40,560.70 including transfers. Ald. Wilson Seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson Seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


Agenda-May 16, 2017



Tuesday May16, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from May 2, 2017.


  1. Discuss and vote on averaging the water bill for Janie Turner and Shirley Boman


  1. Old Business.


  1. New Business.


  1. Citizens Business.


  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton-



  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $40,560.70 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn the meeting.

Council Meeting-May , 2017


Tuesday May 2, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Ron Johnson and Alice Kezar. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Police Chief Curt Drake and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Lois Kolb, Roger Coe, Carol Coe, Marshall Long, J.R. Fisher, Kevin Keeney and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press. Alderperson Calvin Wilson was not present.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and noted that at the last meeting some of the appointments were done by motion and were to be done by the Mayor appointing them per ordinance. He noted after speaking with our City Attorney, it was recommended to ask for all votes to be set aside and the whole section be redone. The Mayor then noted that Ald. Wilson was not present. Ald. Johnson moved to set aside that section of the minutes and redo by appointment. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson and Kohley voted aye and Ald. Kezar abstained. The Mayor then recommended Duane Cooper to be the City Attorney. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Kezar agreed. The Mayor then recommended Curt Drake as the Chief of Police. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Kezar agreed. The Mayor then recommended Karla McNorton as the City Clerk. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Kezar agreed. The Mayor then recommended Ald. Wilson remains Mayor pro-tem. Ald. Kohley and Johnson agreed. Ald. Kezar abstained. The Mayor then recommended Ald. Kohley as the Street commissioner. Ald. Johnson and Kezar agreed. Ald. Kohley abstained. The Mayor then recommended Ald. Wilson as the Water/ Sewer commissioner. Ald. Johnson and Kohley agreed. Ald. Kezar abstained. The Mayor then recommended Ald. Johnson as the Maintenance commissioner. Ald. Kohley and Kezar agreed. Ald. Johnson abstained. The Mayor then recommended he and Alice stay as the check signers. Ald. Johnson and Kohley agreed and Ald. Kezar abstained. The Mayor then recommended Ald. Wilson as the third check signer. Ald. Johnson and Kohley agreed and Ald. Kezar abstained. Ald. Johnson then noted that on page three paragraph five, it says Hwy 59 and he said. Hwy C. The Mayor asked for a motion to approve the minutes with the corrections made. Ald. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes with the corrections made. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed repairs on the police vehicles. It was discussed and recommended to fix all repairs needed on the police vehicles as we have received payment from the insurance company on the estimates from Buhr’s Auto Body. Chief Drake recommended taking the vehicles to Roper in Joplin to see if they were any cheaper before making the repairs. Ald. Johnson asked if the vehicles are ok to be used until the repairs are made and Curt explained they are. It was agreed to have Curt take the vehicles to Roper to see if the estimate was better.

The Board discussed the Corporate Resolutions from First Community Bank. Ald. Kohley moved to approve Mayor Richmond, Ald. Kezar and Ald. Wilson signing the Corporate Resolutions from First Community Bank. Ald. Johnson Seconded. Ald. Johnson and Kohley voted aye and Ald. Kezar abstained.

The Board discussed setting up another date for the comprehensive plan. Clerk McNorton noted Jill Cornett would like to set it up an hour before our next Board Meeting May 16, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. She can do May 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th or 16th at 6:00 P.M., but the 9th is the Fire Departments meeting here, so we can’t do it that day. The Board agreed May 16, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. will work

Old Business: None

New Business: J. R. Fisher asked the Board if he could take the roof of the community building and he will do it for the materials and not charge the City. He is licensed and bonded. Marshall Long then noted he was here to ask for some of the materials for the Betterment Club to use to help remake the carport. After a brief discussion, Ald. Kezar made a motion that both the Betterment Club and J.R. Fisher could work together to get the roof removed and the materials taken away. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor then noted he would like the Board to consider if we’re going to replace the Community Building as we have received payment of almost $67,000.00 for it from the insurance company. It was discussed maybe making the building a bit smaller than the concrete pad and maybe having an indoor/outdoor space and completing the inside. The discussion was tabled until a later date.

Ald. Kohley then brought up about the Goodman sign being out and he believes it was damaged during the tornado. David will look at it and call Springfield Neon and fixing it.

Citizens Business: Kevin Keeney aske when the rest of the debris was going to be cleaned up. City Clerk McNorton explained that County is going to be coming back to clean up more of it, but with all the rain received, they’re busy taken care of washed out roads. The City is not sure at this time when that will take place.

The Mayor then noted that Neosho Box and Wood should be coming down soon to get the tree debris mulched up and taken away. He will call and ask then to pick a good day weather wise to come do that.

Department head reports

Curt Drake- Curt asked the Board to consider March 16, 2017 as Joe Haswell’s

anniversary date as it would really help out on his insurance. It was asked when

asked when he was hired full time. Clerk McNorton noted it was April 18, 2017.

After a brief discussion Ald. Johnson moved to make March 16, 2017 Officer Haswell’s anniversary date. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Kezar voted aye with 0 nays. Curt then asked the Board to consider replacing his and Officer Haswell’s boots that received damage after the tornado at a total of $481.98. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to table replacing the boots at this time.

Denis Kolb- Nothing to report.

David Brodie- The lights at the ball park need looked at by an electrician and see how much it will cost to replace them. The Mayor noted that Greg Sweeten had mentioned someone who could fix them and he will find out who that is. It was discussed that some of the lights are out and wires are missing and may need to look at where they are and possibly moving them, making the park better.

David then brought up that the school is really causing problems with all the debris in the ditches. It was agreed to call Tim Crowley with the school, to have the school come and clean it up.

Meghan Sexson- noted that they have the April report and she will be sending out the delinquent notices is June as the tax sale is in August.

Karla McNorton- Noted the Pet Clinic has been rescheduled for May 20, 2017.

The Mayor then asked if we can get ahold of Greg Sweeten to get the rest of the water out of the storage box for the flood victims. David will call him tomorrow and have Greg come and get it.

It was also discussed about the Porta-Potts still over at Choice Puppies. Clerk McNorton will call Hillbilly Pump and have them picked up.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $13,503.54 including transfers. Ald. Kezar made a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $13,503.54 including transfers. Ald. Johnson  seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.