Minutes-February 20, 2018


Tuesday February 20, 2018

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Police Chief Curt Drake, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Matt & Sara Morgan, Lois Kolb, J.R. Fisher, Jared Mackall, James Roney and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Board discussed the minutes from February 6, 2018. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the minutes from February 6, 2018. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged James Roney to discuss extending his February water payment to March 2, 2018. James explained he is getting a divorce and needs a little time to get his finances in order. He is planning on paying the water bill by March 2, 2018 or before. Ald. Wilson moved to approve extending James Roney’s water bill to March 2, 2018 or before. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the rate increase for employee health insurance through Anthem. Karla explained that for basically the same coverage, it is $380.79 more a year. After a brief discussion, Ald. Kohley moved to keep the Anthem health coverage. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Old business: Ald. Kohley brought up the Goodman Elementary school. He wanted to know if we have heard any more on when the school construction will begin. Mayor Richmond noted there is no news on the school breaking ground next month. David noted they did soil samples last month and he has not seen anyone since.

Mayor Richmond noted the new (used) water truck is in operation and doing well. City Supervisor Brodie noted David Sarratt would like an over the fender tool box to haul the rest of his tools. The Cost is $200.00. Ald. Kohley moved to approve purchasing a over the fender tool box for $200.00. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley also asked about the condemnation of 108 W. Williams. City Clerk McNorton explained she has sent the Findings of Fact letter certified mail and she had not received anything back saying it has been returned or accepted. J. R. Fisher said he would like to purchase the property and fix it and he has tried to contact the owner without luck. Mayor Richmond noted we would need to talk to City Building Inspector Marcus Pratt to see if any of it is salvageable as he has already stated the structure is condemnable. We would also need to contact our City Attorney and see if it is an option after we receive word on the certified letter.

New business: Mayor Richmond brought up a letter the City received from the McDonald County Historical Society about a benefit dinner and auction April 7, 2018 at the River Ranch Resort in Noel. You can buy a ticket for $30.00 a person to the banquet or a whole table for $250.00 (6 tickets.) After a brief discussion, it was agreed for the Board to think about if they could go and we will put in on the agenda for the next council meeting March 6, 2018.

Mayor Richmond brought up the sign at the ballpark and wanted to know if it can still be put back up. David noted it is faded and needs a new pole. He will try to find something to put it back up with.

Ald. Wilson Thanked David Brodie for putting a cover over the night depository box.

Citizens business: Sara Morgan asked the Board if they had thought anymore about the UTV Ordinance. Mayor Richmond noted he has discussed it with Chief Drake, but he needs to read the ordinance word for word. Sara Morgan noted her UTV has front and rear lights and turn signals. The Mayor noted we will look into permits further and discuss it with or City Attorney. Chief Drake also noted he and City Clerk McNorton had discussed a maybe a card that has the City Seal on it and can be laminated.

  1. Department head reports.

Curt Drake- you have your monthly report. He hadn’t done them in a while and wanted to start doing them again.

Denis Kolb-Nothing to report.

David Brodie-Lightning got the phone line to the well that lets the pump pressure know it’s at a certain level. There is a break in it somewhere and we had a guy out here all day. Revis can put in a new level control and it should fix the problem. The cost is $2100.00. I went ahead and ordered it. It is in Pennsylvania and should be here in 2-3 days. The Board agreed we needed to get the part to fix the well.

David Brodie also noted the Carport is scheduled to be put up on Friday February 23, 2018 at the ballpark.

David also asked about getting bids to fix the roof where the pipes come in as they are leaking. It was agreed to get the bids to fix the roof.

Meghan Sexson- You received the January report. It was a good month.

Karla McNorton- Karla noted that Liwy Diras has asked to use the ballpark on August 4, 2018, that is the same day as the City Wide Yard Sale. It was agreed to have Liwy Diras will need to choose another weekend.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $38,432.82 including transfers. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the bills in the amount of $38,432.82 including transfers. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Agenda-February 20, 2018



Tuesday February 20, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall



  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the minutes from February 6, 2018.


  1. Acknowledge James Roney to discuss extending his February water payment to March 2, 2018


  1. Discuss and vote on the rate increase for employee health insurance through Anthem.


  1. Old business.


  1. New business.
  2. Citizens business.
  3. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton-



  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $38,432.82 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn.




Minutes-February 6, 2018


Tuesday February 6, 2018

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Police Chief Curt Drake, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and Asst. City Clerk Dana Cornwell. Also present were Kevin Keeney, Lois Kolb, Roger & Carol Coe, Ed Tuomala, Recia Clark, Nick Melcher, Sammie Goodson, Debbie Bobblett, Sara & Matt Morgan, Jared Mackall, Charlotte Johnson and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the Comprehensive Plan meeting minutes from January 23, 2018. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the Comprehensive Plan meeting minutes held on January 23, 2018. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Ald. Kezar abstained.

The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from January 23, 2018. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the regular meeting minutes held on January 23, 2018. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Ald. Kezar abstained.

The Mayor acknowledged Recia Clark to discuss averaging her February water bill. Recia explained she had a leak and David had come out and turned off her water after hours. She has now fixed the leak and is asking that her water bill for February for $157.46 be averaged to $50.05. Ald. Wilson moved to approve averaging Recia Clark’s water bill at $50.05. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor acknowledged Juanita Reardon to discuss averaging her February water bill.

Juanita Reardon was not present.

The Mayor acknowledged Sarah Morgan to discuss ATV’s in the City limits. Ms. Morgan noted it is a UTV not an ATV. Ms. Morgan called the highway patrol and sheriff’s department thought she knew the rules. Ms. Morgan submitted a UTV permit proposal with an annual permit fee of $15.00 that included yearly inspections. Ald. Wilson noted we have an ordinance that is similar to the ordinance Ms. Morgan located. Ms. Morgan stated she does have insurance and a red triangle on her UTV. Mayor Richmond noted the council needs to look over and see if the current ordinance we have needs revised. Mayor Richmond stated we would work on a solution and that if the city figures out a solution that we need to look into having stickers for registered UTVs in city limits.

Discuss and vote on Mayor Richmond signing the letter of engagement from Nick Myers, CPA to do the 2017 City Audit. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the mayor signing the engagement letter from Nick Myers, CPA. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Old business: The Findings of Fact letter was hand delivered to the owner of 108 W. Williams of February 2, 2018 by Chief Drake giving 30 days to demolish and clean up the property. If the property is not demolished and cleaned up by the March 6, 2018 meeting, can we put an ad in the paper for the demo and clean-up of the property. When do we want the sealed bids in by?

Officer Drake noted he tried a number of times to deliver the Findings of Fact letter. It was decided that the city needs to mail the letter certified with a return receipt.

New business: Ald. Kohley noted he talked to water clerk Dana about the water bill deposit box leaking. Wanted to know if there was any way the city could possibly come up with a way to cover the drop box to keep water from getting in it when it rains. David Brodie said he would see what kind of solutions he could come up with.

Citizens business: Kevin Keeney noted he had a neighbor complaining about old tires. Officer Drake told Kevin to have his neighbor get a hold of him.

A citizen also asked Officer Drake where the city limits is at as they see traffic speeding and passing in a no passing zone as they are coming into town.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- Nothing to report

Denis Kolb- Nothing to report

David Brodie- Had to have Taz Electric to replace breaker and the  labor costs $257.40. David also noted that he and David S. would be taking the topper off of the new 2009 GMC Sierra truck. He also noted that the new truck was in need of new tires on the back. Goodman Tire and Auto can get 10-ply tires for $180.00 each. David noted that two of the tires on the truck would be fine for now and could be placed on the front of the truck. David also noted he found a tool box at Tipton Ford for the new truck and that it would cost about $300.00 installed. Ald. Wilson made a motion for David to go to Goodman Tire & Auto for two new tires at $180.00 apiece and to go to Truck Toys at Tipton Ford for a new tool box Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Meghan Sexson- Nothing to report

Dana Cornwell – Noted the notice the City Hall will be closed while Karla and I are at the Spring Institute will be in the paper Thursday at a cost of $20.65. It has been posted at the City Hall since 01-25-2018 and that we would continue to repost it on Facebook and on the City’s web site. Nothing else to report

The Board discussed the bill in the amount of $43,461.08 including transfers. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills in the amount of $43,461.08 including transfers. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Kezar, Kohley, Johnson and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Agenda-February 6, 2018



Tuesday February 6, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall



  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the Comprehensive Plan meeting minutes from January 23, 2018


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from January 23, 2018.


  1. Acknowledge Recia Clark to discuss averaging her February water bill.


  1. Acknowledge Sarah Morgan to discuss ATV’s in the City limits.


  1. Discuss and vote on Mayor Richmond signing the letter of engagement from Nick Myers, CPA to do the 2017 City Audit.


  1. Old business.


  1. New business.
  2. Citizens business.
  3. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton- Note the notice that the City Hall will be closed while Dana and I are at the Spring Institute will be in the paper Thursday at a cost of $20.65. It has been posted at the City Hall since 01-25-18


  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $43,461.08 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn.

Minutes-January 23, 2018


January 23, 2018

This meeting was rescheduled from January 16, 2018 due to inclement weather.

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Police Chief Curt Drake, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Roger and Carol Coe, Lois Kolb, Jared Mackall, Kevin Keeney, Charlotte Johnson and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Mayor noted the meeting scheduled for January 16th, 2018 was rescheduled to today due to inclement weather. He also noted the Alderman Alice Kezar was not present.

The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from January 2, 2018. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the regular meeting minutes from January 2, 2018. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-484 Ord. NO. 2018-494, an Ordinance to increase the water rates by .29 cents per 1000 after the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-484 Ord. NO. 2018-494, an Ordinance to increase the water rates by .29 cents per 1000 after the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-485 Ord. NO. 2018-495, An Ordinance to increase the commercial water rates by .29 cents after the first 1000 gallons to the next 50,000 gallons. The 51,001 to 100,000 gallons by .29 cents and all gallons over 100,001 gallons of water after the first 1000. Ald. Johnson moved to approve the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-485 Ord. NO. 2018-495, An Ordinance to increase the commercial water rates by .29 cents after the first 1000 gallons to the next 50,000 gallons. The 51,001 to 100,000 gallons by .29 cents and all gallons over 100,001 gallons of water after the first 1000. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-486 Ord. NO. 2018-496, An Ordinance to increase the sewer rates by .29 cents for the second 1000 gallons and by .29 for each 1000 gallons after the first 2000 gallons. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-486 Ord. NO. 2018-496, An Ordinance to increase the sewer rates by .29 cents for the second 1000 gallons and by .29 for each 1000 gallons after the first 2000 gallons. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Johnson moved to approve the Goodman Comprehensive Plan from the Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Old business: Ald. Wilson moved to have Mayor Richmond sign the Findings of Fact letter for 108 W. Williams. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Wilson then asked about the truck at B & S Auto in Neosho, Mo for the Water Department. The Mayor explained he had spoken with the owner (Jim Tucker) and he is willing to work with us on bringing the price down from $9995.00 to $9200.00. It is a 2009 GMC Sierra, 2 wheel drive, 4.3 liter V-6 with 134,000 miles on it. The blue book value on it is fair at $9150.00. City Supervisor Brodie noted it will need two new all-terrain tires and he would like to drive it one more time before we purchase the truck. Ald. Wilson moved to approve purchasing the 2009 GMC from B & S Auto for $9200.00 after David drives it again. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

New business: City Clerk McNorton noted that the MO. City Clerks and Finance Officers Association (MOCCFOA) Spring Institute is scheduled for March 12th through the 15th. She is asking permission to go and would also like for Water Clerk Dana Cornwell to attend as you never know when something could happen to her and she feels Dana should start learning it. Dana would need to go the 12th through the 15th and Karla will need to go the 13th through the 15th. Both are able to attend if a notice is posted 30 days ahead of time that the City Hall will be closed, However: Monday the 12th Karla will be able to have City Hall open until around 11:00 A.M., then Tax Collector Meghan Sexson will be here on Tuesday the 13th and Thursday the 15th from 9:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M., leaving City Hall closed for one whole day on Wednesday the 14th. Meghan also stated she would be happy to finish the remainder of Monday the 12th, keeping City Hall open until 4:00. Karla noted her and Dana will share a hotel room making the hotel a total of $387.80 for four (4) nights and for both of us to attend the Classes would be $535.00 total. Also, they are now doing the whole training on and app. After researching; Dana found tablets on Amazon for a total of $201.88 and free shipping. The total for the room, classes and the tablets would be a total of $1124.68, not including mileage. If Karla goes to the class by herself, the hotel will be $290.85, the class will be $205.00 and a tablet will be $98.99, for a total of $594.84. Mayor Richmond also noted that since the state is making the court be more separated, the tablets can also be used for court as well. Ald. Kohley moved to approve both Karla and Dana attending the MOCCFOA Spring Institute at a total of $1124.68, which includes the classes, hotel and the two tablets. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson and Kohley voted aye and Ald. Wilson abstained. It was also agreed to have a notice put in the paper that dates and times the City Hall would be closed.

City Clerk McNorton noted Recreation Director Heith Lewis contacted her earlier that day and he needs to use the Council room on February 17th and February 24, 2018 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. for baseball and softball sign-ups. They are both Saturdays. The Board agreed to allow Heith to use the City hall on February 17 and 24, 2018 for baseball and softball sign-ups.

Citizens business: Kevin Keeney asked if we were going to do anything with the streets this year. Mayor Richmond noted the City is planning to fix the holes with cold mix. Kevin asked about getting a grant for the streets. The Mayor explained there are no grants for streets. We got the Transportation Tax passed and started receiving it December of 2016 and have received about $37,000.00 and the last time we did anything to the streets it cost over $60,000.00. It will take several years to get a decent amount built up to be able to pave the streets.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- Curt informed the Board that the radar in the Charger will need replaced. He explained that they are still having problems, it’s not the antenna it’s the head unit. He noted that it was already budgeted for a new radar system for the truck, but he is also asking for new radar system for the charger as well as it will not pass when inspected in the very near future. The total would be $1999.00 for the radar system and about $100.00 to install each unit. Stalker will honor the quote given to us on the truck of $1999.00, so the total would be $4033.00 including the shipping and an additional $200.00 for installation for both the truck and the charger. It was asked about the warranty and it was noted the warranty is 100% for 36 months. Ald. Wilson moved to approve chief Drake purchasing 2 stalker radars for both the truck and the charger for a total of $4250.00. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Chief Drake also noted that all state reports were complete except one and it would be completed tomorrow.

Denis Kolb- Nothing to report.

David Brodie- David informed the Board we should have a quote tomorrow or Thursday on the installation price to replace the valve we bought. David asked the Board if he could let Mayor Richmond know how much the quote is and get it taken care of as it will be a few thousand dollars. The Board was agreeable as it needs replaced.

David then noted he has rings busted on the meter lids and he is unable to find replacements. He noted he has been knocking of the rings and he has found a place he can utilize the rings and they are about $40.00 each and he would like to order 10 for a total of $400.00. The Board agreed to have David order 10 meter lid rings for a total of $400.00

David also noted that the annual Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA) annual conference is in Branson February 27th through March 1st as he needs 30 hours. David receives vouchers for water and sewer classes and the vouchers will pay the $270.00 for the class, but the hotel will cost $400.00. He needs the hours and is asking to be able to go. Ald. Wilson moved to approve David attending the MRWA conference February 27th through March 1st at a total of $400.00. Ald. Johnson Seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Meghan Sexson- Meghan noted she sent out the delinquent notices last week.

Meghan also noted the Ozark Orchard Festival Committee will hold the first meeting this year next week on Tuesday the 30th at 6:00 P.M.

Karla McNorton- Mayor Richmond noted that he had a meeting with a lady who wanted to know if we had some kind of citizen award as she felt Ray Mayfield was deserving of it as he had helped her with her car when she was in real need.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $43,918.75 including transfers. Ald. Johnson moved to approve the bills in the amount of $43,918.75, including transfers. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


Agenda-January 16, 2018-Rescheduled to January 23, 2018 due to inclement weather



Tuesday January16, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall



  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the regular meeting minutes from January 2, 2018.


  1. Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-484 Ord. NO. 2018-494, An Ordinance to increase the water rates by .29 cents per 1000 after the first 1000 gallons.


  1. Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-485 Ord. NO. 2018-495, An Ordinance to increase the commercial water rates by .29 cents after the first 1000 gallons to the next 50,000 gallons. The 51,001 to 100,000 gallons by .29 cents and all gallons over 100,001 gallons of water by .29 cents.


  1. Discuss and vote on the second reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-486 Ord. NO. 2018-496, An Ordinance to increase the sewer rates by .29 cents for the second 1000 gallons and by .29 for each 1000 gallons after the first 2000 gallons


  1. Discuss and vote on the Goodman Comprehensive Plan from the Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council.


  1. Old business- Discuss and vote on Mayor Richmond signing Findings of Facts letter for 108 W. Williams.


  1. New business.
  2. Citizens business.
  3. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton- Thank Ray Mayfield for helping a citizen in need.

  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $43,918.75 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn.

Minutes-January 2, 2018


Tuesday January 2, 2018

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Police Chief Curt Drake, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Kevin Keeney, Lois Kolb, Jared Mackall, Tammie Davis and Rachel Dickerson from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. He noted Ald. Alice Kezar was not present.

The Board discussed the budget meeting minutes from December 19, 2017. Ald. Kohley

moved to approve the budget meeting minutes from December 19, 2017. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the regular minutes from December 19, 2017. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the regular meeting minutes from December 19, 2017. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-484 Ord. NO. 2018-494, an Ordinance to increase the water rates by .29 cents per 1000 after the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-484 Ord. NO. 2018-494, an Ordinance to increase the water rates by .29 cents per 1000 after the first 1000 gallons. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-485 Ord. NO. 2018-495, An Ordinance to increase the commercial water rates by .29 cents after the first 1000 gallons to the next 50,000 gallons. The 51,001 to 100,000 gallons by .29 cents and all gallons over 100,001 gallons of water after the first 1000. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-485 Ord. NO. 2018-495, An Ordinance to increase the commercial water rates by .29 cents after the first 1000 gallons to the next 50,000 gallons. The 51,001 to 100,000 gallons by .29 cents and all gallons over 100,001 gallons of water after the first 1000. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-486 Ord. NO. 2018-496, An Ordinance to increase the sewer rates by .29 cents for the second 1000 gallons and by .29 for each 1000 gallons after the first 2000 gallons. Ald. Johnson moved to approve the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-486 Ord. NO. 2018-496, An Ordinance to increase the sewer rates by .29 cents for the second 1000 gallons and by .29 for each 1000 gallons after the first 2000 gallons. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed purchasing a copy/printer/fax/scan machine for the police department. Curt noted he had found a copy/printer/fax/scan machine at Sam’s Club from $249.00 to $279.00. Curt noted he had done more research and the machine from Bella Vista was a good deal at the time, but if it breaks a certain part, it can cost up to $600.00 to fix and the toner is around $153.00. The one he looked at, at Sam’s Club is an Epson Express and it has a reservoir that you can put ink in and the refills are around $50.00. Ald. Wilson asked Curt about the chain of custody. Curt explained that when you take pictures of items that are evidence, you need to print in color. Curt noted they have been taking the jump drive with the photos on it to the prosecuting attorney’s office to be printed and that’s fine, but there are some things that we need a color printer for. Stuff like a domestic assault or auto theft. Bruising can’t be seen in black and white like you can see it in color. If we brought the jump drive to City Hall and printed the pictures, the machine in here has an edit option and can be subpoenaed, meaning it can be taken to a lab to verify the photos were not altered and could be gone for a couple days to several weeks. Ald. Wilson moved to approve a new copy/printer/fax/scan machine from Sam’s Club for up to $ 300.00. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Old business: None

New business: None

Citizens business: Kevin Keeney asked about the gazebo on Main St. Mayor Richmond noted we will be putting it out for bid when it gets warmer. Kevin then asked about the school being rebuilt. It was noted they are supposed to start rebuilding in March and should be completed in a year.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake: Nothing to report.

Denis Kolb: Nothing to report.

David Brodie: David asked where we were on the 108 W. Williams and the 122 N. Wall properties. City Clerk McNorton noted she has not received the facts of findings letter from City Attorney Duane Cooper and will contact him about it. She also noted she will contact the sister of the property owner at 122 N. Wall about the progress and that it needs cleaned up.

Meghan Sexson: You have your December report. The delinquent notices will be mailed next week.

Karla McNorton – Nothing to report.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $84,487.70 including transfers. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills in the amount of $84,487.70, including transfers. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


Agenda-January 2, 2018



Tuesday January 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall


  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Discuss and vote on the budget meeting minutes from December 19, 2017.


  1. Discuss and vote on the minutes from December 19, 2017


  1. Discuss and vote on the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-484 Ord. NO. 2018-494, An Ordinance to increase the water rates by .29 cents per 1000 after the first 1000 gallons.


  1. Discuss and vote on the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-485 Ord. NO. 2018-495, An Ordinance to increase the commercial water rates by .29 cents after the first 1000 gallons to the next 50,000 gallons. The 51,001 to 100,000 gallons by .29 cents and all gallons over 100,001 gallons of water after the first 1000.


  1. Discuss and vote on the first reading by title only of Bill NO. 2018-486 Ord. NO. 2018-496, An Ordinance to increase the sewer rates by .29 cents for the second 1000 gallons and by .29 for each 1000 gallons after the first 2000 gallons.


  1. Discuss purchasing a copy/printer/ fax/scan machine for the police department


  1. Old business.


  1. New business.
  2. Citizens business.
  3. Department head reports.

Curt Drake-

Denis Kolb-

David Brodie-

Meghan Sexson-

Karla McNorton-


  1. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $84,487.70 including transfers.


  1. Move to adjourn.


Agenda-June 18, 2018



Monday June 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall



  1. Call the meeting to order.


  1. Acknowledge Nikki Hill from HSTCC (Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council.) to properly zone the Goodman map.


  1. Move to adjourn.






Minutes-December 19, 2017


Tuesday December 19, 2017

The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Ron Johnson and Alice Kezar. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Senior Officer Joe David, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Roger and Carol Coe, Lois Kolb, Jared Mackall, Maria Naranjo, Angelica Paula and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the budget meeting minutes from December 4, 2017. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the budget meeting minutes held on December 4, 2017. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from December 5, 2017. Ald. Johnson moved to approve the regular meeting minutes held on December 5, 2017. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the budget meeting minutes from December 14, 2017. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the budget meeting minutes held on December 14, 2017. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Maria Naranjo to discuss averaging her November water bill. Maria’s daughter Angelica explained that one of the City workers came by and told them they had a leak after reading the meters at the end of October. The bill arrived and was over $300.00. They had already begun working on the problem and after over a month and two plumbers later it is finally fixed. City Clerk McNorton noted they have already paid the averaged amount of $126.90 with the 20% and Decembers bill of $90.92. After a brief discussion, Ald. Johnson moved to approve averaging Maria Naranjo’s November water bill. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2017-482 for Ordinance No. 2017-492 regarding amending the 2017 Budget. The Mayor noted this will be voted on twice. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the first reading of Bill No. 2017-482 for Ordinance No. 2017-492 regarding amending the 2017 Budget. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2017-482 for Ordinance No. 2017-492 regarding amending the 2017 Budget. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the second reading of Bill No. 2017-482 for Ordinance No. 2017-492 regarding amending the 2017 Budget. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2017-483 for Ordinance No. 2017-493 regarding setting the 2018 Budget. The Mayor noted this will be voted on twice. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the first reading of Bill No. 2017-483 for Ordinance No. 2017-493 regarding setting the 2018 Budget. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed Bill No. 2017-483 for Ordinance No. 2017-493 regarding setting the 2018 Budget. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the second reading of Bill No. 2017-483 for Ordinance No. 2017-493 regarding setting the 2018 Budget. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed ordering the water bill cards in the amount of $875.00. Ald. Wilson moved to approve ordering water bills in the amount of $875.00. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Old Business: City Supervisor Brodie noted he has ordered the carport and put the down payment on it. It will be 4 to 6 weeks for it to come in.

New Business: City Clerk McNorton noted she had received Prosecuting Attorney Clerks training for February 5, 2018 in Columbia and feels she really needs to go. It is a one day class and costs $50.00. She noted she would need to spend the night as the class starts at 9:00 in the morning. The cost of the hotel is $94.00. Ald. Wilson moved to approve City Clerk McNorton going to the training class February 5, 2018 in Columbia. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Wilson move give all City employees a .50 cent an hour raise on January 1, 2018. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Citizens Business: None

Department head reports.

Joe David- Joe noted that Chief Drake wanted him to ask about a color copier/scanner/printer/fax machine that has two thirds of its life left from the Bella Vista Police Department, who donated a lot of stuff to the Goodman Police Department. The machine is in great shape and is much needed to print color photos for evidence and court. Joe explained he has had a lot of Federal cases lately and needs the photos in color. Chief Drake would like to purchase this machine from the Bella Vista Police Department for $300.00. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to put the item on the next agenda January 2, 2017.

Joe then asked the Board about annexing in the end of School St. to where it connects to Hwy. 59. It was explained that there is advertising, a public hearing for the citizens to discuss it and probably need to speak to county, as it is in the county as of right now. The discussion was tabled.

Denis Kolb- Nothing to report

David Brodie- David noted the U.V. lights at the treatment plant have had some issues and he had to purchase new ballasts for them. There were some that were $224.00 each, but her found some for $129.00 and ordered three. David then noted he may need to get an electrician in and try to figure out what is going on as one person David spoke to said one or two others have been having problems with the same kind.

David then noted he had spoken with an engineer for the new Goodman Elementary and David would like to waive the building permit fee as the school being re-built is a benefit to the City and the City Building Inspector will not be doing the inspections. Ald. Johnson moved to approve waiving the building permit for the upcoming construction for the school. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Meghan Sexson- Nothing to report

Karla McNorton- Clerk McNorton asked the Board if the Water Department would be shutting off water for non-payment on December 26, 2017. After a brief discussion, it was agreed there would be no shut offs for non-payment of water in December.

Mayor Richmond then thanked the City employees for all their hard work this past year.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $33,763.38 including transfers. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the bills in the amount of $33,763.38 including transfers. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.