Minutes-March 6, 2012

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night March 6, 2012 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Officer Curt Drake, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch, and Municipal Judge Clyde Davidson. Guests included Crystal Vaughan, J.R. Fisher, Calvin Wilson, Steve Wimpey, and David Sarratt.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on February 21, 2012. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the special meeting on February 28, 2012. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor read  Bill # 2012-428 for Ordinance# 2012-438 repealing Section L from Section 230.03 in the City Code for the second reading by title only. Ald. Lett moved to approve the second reading of Bill #2012-428 for Ordinance #2012-438. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.

 The Board discussed Bill # 2012-429 for Ordinance # 2012-439 adopting and enacting a new Code of Ordinances adding the new ordinances passed during 2011 to the City Code Book. The Mayor noted that the Board had received a letter from Sullivan Publications with statutory changes made to Code Book. The Mayor read the first reading by title only Bill # 2012-429 for Ordinance # 2012-439 adopting and enacting a new Code of Ordinances adding the new ordinances passed during 2011 to the City Code Book. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the first reading of Bill #2012-429 for Ordinance #2012-439. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.

The Mayor noted that the next item on the agenda was to discuss purchasing a security camera system for the ballpark. Ald Lett stated she understood the Recreation Department wanted one. Clyde Davidson said that the Recreation Board had been busy at a work day at the ballpark over the week end. He said that he and Stewart had not had time to get any prices to report to the Board.  The Board tabled discussion until the next meeting. Clyde noted that they had accomplished a lot of work at the ballpark during the work session.

The Board discussed whether or not to give employee raises. Ald. Kohley asked what the Board would think about giving all the employees a $1,000.00 dollar bonus and not a raise.

Calvin Wilson stated that the 911 Board had thought about giving bonuses to their employees. He said they found out that a governmental body could not give bonuses; increase must be made in the form of a raise. The Clerk noted that she had talked with Duane Cooper, after court and that he said he did not see a problem in giving bonuses, but he would research it before giving his final OK.

The Mayor noted that the Clerk had sent surveys out to 11, 4th class cities but had only received back 7. He made the suggestion that the Board wait until the other surveys were sent back. He stated that he felt the Board could make a better decision after getting all of the surveys, and getting the information from Duane on giving Bonuses.

Ald. Lett stated that giving a bonus would not be like getting a raise as it would be a one-time bonus and not a raise that would be continued in the following years.

The Board discussed how ING, the City’s retirement program worked. It was noted that the Board only put funds in the employees’ retirement program when they had left over funds in the City’s account from year to year. It was noted that no one had received any retirement money in more than 6 to 8 years. The clerk noted that the program was still ongoing and that the employees could place money in their account whenever they wanted to, however there were restrictions on how and when the funds could be removed.  

Calvin Wilson stated that if the 6 employees received $1.00 an hour that would be $160.00 a month raise that would only be $960.00 a month for all of them.

Clyde Davidson stated that if the Board was considering giving raises he would like to be considered for one also. He stated that in the past the Board had cut his wages, without his knowledge because they were trying to balance the budget. He noted that Duane Cooper had received a raise in his hourly fee but that he, Clyde had his wages cut.

The Board decided to table further discussions on employee raises until the next meeting.

The following reports were given:

Tom West- noted Comers from Joplin had installed a new catalytic converter and sensors in the Ford expedition at a cost of $526.00. Clyde suggested that the next time he needed something done he might try Performance Muffler in Neosho. He noted that the School used them for the busses.

David Brodie –noted that some of the instruments at the treatment plant needed to be calibrated. He said he had talked with someone at the Department of Natural Resources and they had given him a name of a person who does the calibrations. He noted that getting the instruments calibrated was required by DNR. He also noted that two of the lift stations are not working correctly.  He said it might be the floats, which he can fix but if it was something worse he would have to call someone who knows how to work on them. He said that the white truck was not running right and would need to be looked at. He noted that he and David had been replacing meter lids around town. He said that Chris Morgan had made the lids and that he needed to order 20 more at the cost $5.00 of each. He reported that he and David had been working around the community building, cleaning up, removing rocks and trees so that the city can bush hog around the building this summer.

Denis Kolb- . was not present.

Dawn Bunch –  monthly report in packets. She noted that she had taken the 3 year delinquent taxes to Brenda Gordon, the McDonald County Collector as required by Missouri State statutes. She asked if anyone had gotten Mr. Brewingtons address yet.

Paula Brodie –  noted that the Board had received a copy of a letter to Duane Cooper asking him if the release form being used by the Emergency Management Department was OK. She noted that he had said it was OK to use

The Board discussed the following old business:

Clyde reported that all the lights and wiring are down at the ballpark. He said they had contacted a couple of the contractors for bids on installing the new lights. He noted that two of them were not interested and they were waiting on a bid from the third.

The Board discussed the following new business:

Crystal Vaughan asked if it was OK for candidates to place their signs on city right of way. It was noted that candidates have always been allowed to place their signs on city right of way.

Mayor Richmond asked the Board to start thinking about putting the roof back up on the pavilion at the ballpark. He said that he knew at one time the Truss Company had offered to build the trusses for cost. Clyde stated that the Recreation Department had been looking into replacing the roof too.                         

The Board discussed the bills for March 6, 2012 for $29,815.39 including transfers. Ald. Lett moved to approve the bills in the amount of $29,815.39. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Kohley, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.   


                                                                                                Greg Richmond, Mayor



Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk


                                                                                 Approved: ____________________

                                                                                               Date: ________________