Minutes-August 20, 2019

Tuesday August 20, 2019

Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Beth Hallmark, Ron Johnson, Ed Tuomala and Calvin Wilson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Police Chief Curt Drake, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, City Attorney Duane Cooper and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Nick Myers, CPA, Misty Farmer, Lois Pace, Keith Kohley, Linda Gill, Debbie Wilson, Rhonda Richmond, Tammie Davis, Greg Beckner, Jerry Bates, Pat and Candace Watson, Roy Foust, Clyde Davidson, Phyllis Peery, Kevin Keeney, Fred Sexson, Lois Kolb and Sally Carroll form the McDonald County Press.

Mayor Richmond called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting July 16, 2019. Ald. Hallmark noted that Jerry Bates had asked why the Mayor would not step down. Mayor Richmond noted that question should be directed at county. Ald. Tuomala moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on July 16, 2019 with the noted amendment. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the minutes from the public hearing July 16, 2019. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the public hearing held on July 16, 2019. Ald. Hallmark seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the minutes from the special meeting July 25, 2019. Ald. Johnson noted the minutes show that Ald. Wilson voted and he abstained. Ald. Hallmark moved to approve the minutes from the special meeting held on July 25, 2019 with the noted amendment. Ald. Tuomala seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark and Tuomala voted aye and Ald. Wilson abstained.

The Board discussed the minutes from the special meeting August 9, 2019. Ald. Tuomala moved to approve the minutes from the special meeting held on August 9, 2019. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye and Ald. Hallmark abstained.

Mayor Richmond then noted that Connie Letourneau asked to address the Board before the rest of the meeting began. Ms. Letourneau stated that she has lived here for two years, she has a gorgeous yard and the neighbors have destroyed it. Ms. Letourneau noted the whole Board should step down. Chief Drake did not do his job properly. He allowed the neighbor to bring his kids to school before arresting him for a warrant. She asked that the Mayor inform her of who is above the Board so she can discuss with them her issues that have been ongoing for the past two years.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Nick Myers, CPA to present the 2018 Audit. Nick noted that on pg. 1 and 2 are the report of the financial statements, auditor’s responsibility and opinion of the audit and there were no anomalies. City Clerk McNorton’s statements of the City’s financial numbers align with the numbers presented. Nick went over the general and business activities, the depreciation, long term liabilities and the positions of the current assets, which the City is in a good position except for the water and sewer need to be looked at because of the depreciation of the treatment plant and the bond payments, which are completed in 2040. He went over capital assets. He showed the Board where the City started, sales and retirement and where it ended and went over internal controls. Nick went over the recommendations to the Board, which are segregation of duties. He noted he always mentions that. Fixed assets, removing the assets previously disposed of on the worksheet and he discussed the Recreation Department. Nick Myers noted that something needs to be done with the account as the City really has no control. Ald. Tuomala moved to approve the 2018 Audit.
Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Lois Pace to discuss averaging her August water bill.
Ms. Pace noted that the City workers came out and shut off her water because she had used 3000 gallons in one day. Ms. Pace had the leak fixed within a few hours and had the water turned back on. Ms. Pace is asking for her water bill to be averaged. Ald. Wilson moved to approve averaging Ms. Pace’s water bill for August to $74.93. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Mike Davis to discuss Central Fire & Safety servicing the City’s fire extinguishers. Mike Davis was not present.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Nathan Wagner to discuss housing codes & variances. Mr. Wagner asked the Board why they give variances. Mr. Wagner noted that it was asked to move a house into the City that is less than 800 square feet. Why would the Board allow that to happen when we have code states the size of the home? Mr. Wagner feels that it should be the same for everyone as allowing for variances brings down the value of the homes in the City. Mr. Wagner then asked who is going to inspect the homes that are brought in. It was noted by Misty Farmer that they have remodeled several houses and have had to get inspections for everything they have done by the City Building Inspector. Mr. Wagner feels if you give a variance for one, you should give it for everyone. Clyde Davidson noted that he is glad the Board gives the variances on a case by case basis. It is not always the same reason the person is asking for a variance. Ald. Johnson noted that if there is an empty lot sitting there and a person can put in a little bit smaller home, the lot is cleaned up and bring in revenue for the City, why wouldn’t you?

Unfinished business: Mr. Bates asked if the water bills were averaged. Mr. Bates stated that his water bill was $11.00 higher than usual. City Clerk McNorton noted the bills were not averaged and that she would have to look at his account to see why his bill was higher.

It was then asked why the Council wanted to get rid of the police chief. It was noted that the meeting that was posted was not posted correctly and it was cancelled, that is why the Board did not have a meeting. It was also noted that just because you post that you are going to discuss dismissal, does not mean that you are going to do it. It was then noted that there was a petition at the Dollar General to get rid of the police chief. It was noted by the Board that the petition was not done by the Board. It was done by a citizen.

New business: Ald. Hallmark noted that at the Missouri Municipal League meeting, it was mentioned about sending out a citizen letter and Beth thought it was a good idea. You can find out if they are happy or not happy with the services provided and it will all be anonymous. It was asked to be put on the next agenda.

Ald. Hallmark then mentioned the City possibly using Express Pro’s temp service. Ald. Hallmark noted that City Clerk McNorton has done her due diligence putting an ad in the paper. Ald. Hallmark would like to put together a proposal of the pros and cons and present it to the Board. It was noted that those places are expensive and there is a place in Joplin called skilled up that is free. It was also noted that the Board could contact Economic Security. It was asked to be put on the next agenda.

The Board discussed putting cameras in City Hall. Mayor Richmond noted he would like to put in wireless cameras that have motion sensors to only record when there is motion and he feels it is way past time. The Board has discussed this in the past and Mayor Richmond noted that there is a set a Sam’s Club for $300.00 to $400.00. Mayor Richmond noted wired cameras are more costly and thinks wireless is the way to go. It was agreed to get some estimates and put it on the next agenda.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake: Curt noted he had got the oil changed and had the brakes looked at. He was told the brakes need replaced in the Dodge Ram. State Line can do them for $400.00. Bethel can do them for $120.00 without the rotors and Brother-in-law Garage will do for $145.00 without the rotors. It was verified by Ald. Johnson that Brother-in-Laws Garage was not someone’s brother in law. Ald. Wilson moved to have Brother-in-Law’s Garage replace the brakes for up to $150.00. Ald. Tuomala seconded.
Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Denis Kolb: Nothing to report

David Brodie: David noted that he had spoken at a previous meeting about meter lids. They are $40.00 for the tops and $40.00 for the bottoms. David had Sarratt welding remove the bolt on the top lid with a plasma cutter and it would still work. Sarratt welding charges $65.00 an hour and can do 12 in an hour. It would cost $65.00 for 12 instead of $40.00 each on the top lid.

David also noted that he had been working on replacing the street signs.

David then noted that David Sarratt will be retiring at the end of the month.

Ald. Hallmark then asked about the community building being put out for bid. David noted that he was waiting for the Board to bring it up before he did anything, Ald. Hallmark moved to have the foundation repair put out for bid. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Meghan Sexson: The tax sale is Monday August 26th at 10:00 A.M.

Karla McNorton: Nothing to report.

The Board discussed the bills from the meeting that was cancelled August 6, 2019 in the amount of $21, 605.10 including transfers. Ald. Tuomala moved to approve the bills in the amount of $21, 605.10 including transfers. Ald. Hallmark seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $40,192.96 including transfers. Ald. Tuomala moved to approve the bills in the amount of $40,192.96 including transfers.
Ald. Hallmark seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Tuomala seconded. Ald. Johnson, Hallmark, Tuomala and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

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