Minutes-Council Meeting August 7, 2018


Tuesday August 7, 2018


The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday August 7, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Police Chief Curt Drake, Asst. Chief Joe David, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Kevin Keeney, Lois Kolb, Jared Mackall, Sue Hamilton and Natalie McInturff With the Goodman Elementary, Brandon Poindexter with Branco, Paula Brodie, Michael Richmond, Connie Letourneau, Beulah and Michael Letts, John and Misty Farmer, Nick Myers, Keith Estes, Jerry Pierce, Ed Tuomala, Greg Beckner and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.

Mayor Richmond called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

The Board discussed the minutes from July 17, 2018. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the regular meeting minutes held on July 17, 2018. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Beulah Letts to discuss averaging her water bill. Beulah explained she had a water leak and it is now fixed. (She brought proof of the bill showing where she had paid to have it fixed by Mace Maintenance.) She is asking that the Board average her bill to 176.84 with the 20%. Ald. Johnson moved to approve averaging Beulah Letts water bill to $176.84 with the 20%. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays. Mayor Richmond noted that if she needed to pay that amount in several payments that would be ok.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged John and Misty Farmer to discuss a variance for 119 S. First St.

Misty noted that her and John have decided to hold off on the variance for 119 S. First St. John and Misty were looking at putting a house about 760 square feet on 119 S. First Street, if the Board approved the variance for the size of the house, however; they have now looked at the Kramburg property located at 112 W. Splitlog Ave. and are thinking about putting that house there if the Board approves the variance and they decide to purchase the property. They would move the trailer closest to Splitlog out and put in the house on that property. She should have all the paperwork in to the City by the next meeting and would like to talk about it more then and include a photo of the home.

Misty then noted that she had gotten with City Building Inspector Marcus Pratt on the property at 108 W. Williams and the front of the structure has to be removed and the back is probably salvageable, but Marcus can’t tell for sure because of the debris still in that area. John and Misty would like to be able to clean the back half up and have Marcus look at it. If it is salvageable, they would like to purchase the property and rebuild the front half of the home and repair the back. Misty and John are asking the Board to give them time to get the back half of the house cleaned and have Marcus come back over and let them know if it is salvageable. If it is, they intend to purchase the property, but are concerned because the condemnation is on hold and the Board could decide to go ahead with demolition and John and Misty have wasted their money. John and Misty are asking the Board, if Marcus says the back half is salvageable, The Board agree to stop the condemnation upon transfer of deed from Shauna Landess to Misty and John Farmer or their business Diamond Diggz.

Ald. Johnson moved to stop the condemnation of 108 W. Williams if Marcus approves the back half of the property is salvageable and proof of the transfer of deed is provided that it is in John and Misty Farmer or Diamond Diggz name. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Eddie Figueroa from Kelly Miller Circus to discuss having two shows in Goodman October 15, 2018. Mr. Figueroa explained that he will need an area that can hold the event and it will be for the one evening of Monday October 15, 2018. There would be two shows. He explained they would need an area of 300’x300, accessible by large vehicles as they have three semis and one produces its own power. They will need one Potable running water source as some performers like to shower between shows and containers for trash. He explained that the Circus use to have animals, but they no longer have them due to animal rights activists. The Circus personal will bag the trash and load it into the dumpsters after the shows are over, as they want to be asked back the next year. He also explained he would need any permits or licenses required by local ordinance. He also noted that the circus has a one million dollar insurance policy and can add the organization to the policy for the day of the shows. Size of the crowd will depend on the amount of the tickets that are sold. They can hold up to 800 people, but usually get half to a quarter of that. Mayor Richmond noted that they would discuss it with the betterment club and the fire department and look at some numbers and get back to him.

Mayor Richmond acknowledged Nick Myers to report of the 2017 Audit: Nick noted that on pg. 1 and 2 are the report of the financial statements, auditor’s responsibility and opinion of the audit and there were no anomalies. City Clerk McNorton’s statements of the City’s financial numbers align with the numbers presented. Nick went over the general and business activities, the depreciation, long term liabilities and the positions of the current assets, which the City is in a good position on current items. Nick went over the bonds that were purchased and due to the water project and what is scheduled on them in the future. He went over capital assets. He showed the Board where the City started, sales and retirement and where it ended and went over internal controls. Nick went over the recommendations to the Board, which are segregation of duties. He noted he always mentions that. Fixed assets, removing the assets previously disposed of on the worksheet, setting up a depreciation schedule, which can be done in easy accounting along with setting up training on the entry of assets to the EasyAcct software depreciation module. Outstanding checks on bank reconciliations. He is suggesting they be removed or taken off after a year and voided or file them with the unclaimed property if the Missouri unclaimed property law apply. Backing up interfund reimbursements or transfers transaction entries and updating annually the EasyAcct software with the MO. Division of Employment rate for the next year. He thanked the Board and noted this is when the Board usually votes to approve the audit. Ald. Kohley moved to accept the 2017 Audit report. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kezar, Kohley and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Unfinished business: City Clerk McNorton noted that Trenton Thomas’s water bill did need to be averaged for the month of August and that amount is $112.02 with the 20% and that the Board had already agreed to average the bill at last month’s meeting when they voted to approve the first average.

New business: Brandon Poindexter from Branco brought the building plans for the Goodman Elementary and noted they plan to break ground on Monday August 13, 2018. Brandon then asked if the City would waive the building Permit fee. City Supervisor David Brodie noted that was done and voted on in a previous meeting.

It was discussed that the playground equipment at the school was going to be moved and used with the new facility, but after a second inspection from the insurance company, it will be destroyed and the equipment purchased by the school that is being used now at the temporary location will be moved to the Goodman Elementary school location. It was also noted that the busses will go in and out on Whitmore and the parent pickup and drop-off would be on School St. It was asked if a cross bar for the railroad track would be put in place. Brandon noted the busses will come in and exit to the North and will not be going over the track. It was also noted there will be an ICC 500 rated safe room in the facility that would be a community shelter. It will be approximately 5000 square feet and will be separate from the one used by the students if needed during school hours.

Citizens business: Connie Letourneau asked the Board to consider looking at the ordinance from the City if Carthage where animals are concerned as she does not feel our ordinance is effective. She feels the ordinance doesn’t work and people do not have animal licenses. She says there are animals running around and nothing gets done about it. She feels if the Board can’t do something about the ordinance, it needs to be removed. Mayor Richmond noted the Board would look at the ordinance and look at making improvements.

Department head reports:

Curt Drake- Curt noted that the mic kit, toggle switch and the cage have been installed in Dodge Charger and it was less than quoted of $500.00.

Curt then explained to the Board that Goodman is the third largest City and starts their officers at one of the lowest wages. He feels Joe does a good job, they work well together and he doesn’t want to lose him. Curt is asking the Board for a $2.00 an hour raise, bringing Joe up to $14.50 an hour, so that we are comparable to other cities. He noted that after doing the budget that we were in the black $63,000.00 if he remembers correctly and Joe’s raise would cost $4160.00 more a year. Mayor Richmond noted that $63,000.00 sounds like a lot, but in reality, it’s not. It’s not budgeted and we would need to do some financial studying. Mayor Richmond feels we should look at the City as a whole and align everyone, not just the police department. Joe noted he felt it was reasonable to look at the City as a whole.

Denis Kolb: Nothing to report.

David Brodie: Nothing to report.

Meghan Sexson: Informed the Board about the property at 122 N School St. and the ad for the tax sale ran last week and it will run this week and next.

Karla McNorton: You have your June financial Statement and the budget comparison and if the Board has any questions, let me know and I am happy answer them.

Mayor Richmond then noted he would like to have a closed meeting on August 14, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. and wanted to make sure all board members could attend. All Board members noted they could attend.

The Board then discussed the bills in the amount of $32,632.23 including transfers. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills in the amount of $32,632.23 including transfers. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.


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