Agenda-February 15, 2011

Council Meeting

February 15, 2011 at 6:50PM at the

Goodman City Call

 1.         Call the meeting to order at 6:50PM to hold a public hearing regarding the condemnation of the house    on Karla Thompson’s property on Russell St. Note that the Board did not hold their meeting on February 1, 2011 do to the snow storm.

 2.         Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on January 18, 2011.

 3.         Acknowledge William Mosby to discuss the fee charged for the building inspector.

 4.         Decide on the length of time to give to receive the written agreement between Jesse Ruby and Mr. Cantrell. Discuss the request made by Jesse Ruby to allow him and Mr. Cantrell to hook to the 2” water line running across both of their properties.

 5.         Acknowledge Jim Morgan to give report from Goodman Rural Fire District Board meeting.

 6.         Discuss the request made by the Methodist Church to average their sewer bill.

 7.         Discuss the increase on the Employee Anthem Health Benefits and decide which option to accept. 

 8.         Discuss drafting an ordinance to increase both water and sewer minimum water rate by $.50 cents each. (Note the Board discussed the need to do this during the budget workshops).

 9.         Acknowledge Stewart Pace to discuss the Recreation Department. 

 10.       Department head reports:

                        1. Tom West

                        2. David Brodie-

                        3. Dawn Bunch- monthly report

                        3. Paula Brodie-

  • Inform the Board that the Tax Collectors computer has been upgraded and working fine.
  • Inform the Board that I received a State Scholarship to the Annual Mo. City Clerks and Finance Officers Training Conference from Monday March 7th to Thursday March 10th. The Scholarship includes ½ of the room costs and the registration fee. The City will only need to cover ½ of the room costs, mileage, and regular hourly wage. Note that the Board put the complete training costs in the 2011 Budget.  I am asking to attend the Spring Institute only not the Master Academy. (See enclosed seminar brochure).

10.       Discuss old and new business

 11.       Discuss and approve the bills from February 1, 2011 for $27,859.61 including transfers and also the bills from today February 15, 2011 for $20,547.74 including transfers.

 12.       Adjourn the meeting.