September 6, 2016
Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Alderman held a regular meeting Tuesday night September 6, 2016 at 7:00 P.M.
Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Alice Kezar, Calvin Wilson and Roger Coe. Ald. Keith Kohley was not present. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson, Police Chief Curt Drake, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb and Asst. City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Dan Shea, Carol Shea, Richard Kautz, Nancy Kautz and Dr. Thompson.
Mayor Richmond called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The Board discussed the minutes from the regular meeting on August 16, 2016. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on August 16, 2016. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Mayor Noted Ald. Kohley was not present.
The Mayor acknowledged that Tammie Davis was not present. Asst. City Clerk McNorton noted
that she was not able to make tonight’s meeting and asked to be on the agenda for September 20, 2016.
The Mayor acknowledged Richard and Nancy Kautz to discuss building a house in the Shea Subdivision. Mr. Kautz gave the Board a copy of the plans and explained where on the lot he
would like to build the house being 24’ X 36’ with a porch on the front and back of the house, a carport and a storage shed. After several points discussed, the discussion was tabled until the next meeting September 20, 2016.
The Board discussed Bill NO. 2016-472, Ord NO. 2016-482, to change the Form of Application Fee for the Building Form Application. The Mayor read by title only Bill NO. 2016-472, Ord NO. 2016-482. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the first reading of Bill NO. 2016-472, Ord NO. 2016-482, to change the Form of Application Fee. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board discussed Bill NO. 2016-473, ORD NO. 2016-483 to change the Building Inspector Fees.
The Mayor read by title only of Bill NO. 2016-473, Ord NO. 2016-483. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the first reading of Bill NO. 2016-472, Ord NO. 2016-482, to change the Building Inspector Fee. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.
Citizens Business: Dr. Thompson brought in a quilt she had made and has been selling raffle tickets,to help raise money for a vest for Senior Officer John Wynn. She asked about turning the raffle tickets and the money already raised over to the City.The Mayor noted it needs to be taken over by a citizen and Chief Drake will get with her in the next few days with who will be taking over the raffle.
Discuss old business:
Ald. Wilson brought up getting the lights replaced in the City Hall building. The Board discussed having Mr. Brodie get some bids to have the lights replaced in the building.
Discuss new Business:
David Brodie brought up that Lester Ward at 105 E. Garner wanting to place storage pod on his property, in the 3-4 acre field and to put a storage building on the side of his house. The Board discussed that the house is far back from the road and behind another house and the storage pod and storage building would barely or may not even be seen from the road. Ald. Wilson made a motion to allow Mr. Ward to put the POD and storage shed on his property. Ald., Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.
Department head reports:
Curt Drake- Curt noted he gave the Board his monthly report. Ald. Kezar asked Chief Drake if he still had any paint left that was donated. Office Drake stated he no longer has any brown or white and there is 25 gallons of the red and blue left.
Denis Kolb-Nothing to report.
David Brodie- David informed the Board he will now have to file daily reports electronically and he will need to go to a class for training. He has already reserved a spot in the class for November 8th and will have to spend the night in Jefferson City to be at the class the next morning.
Ald. Kezar then asked when would the fence be going up around the water tower? Brodie stated it should be started this week.
Meghan Sexson- Noted she gave the Board her monthly report. She also noted that one property had sold at county and was purchased by Anglin.
Karla McNorton – Noted that there have been several meetings for the City Celebration, which is called the Ozark Orchard Festival. Mayor Richmond then explained several ideas that were discussed, like a bouncy house, bouncy house slide and a dunk tank. The Mayor then asked if the Board would think about contributing to the fund? The Mayor noted he felt around $2000.00 would be good to help get things that we had discussed and possibly any other items that we may need. Ald. Wilson made a motion to supply $2000.00 to the Ozark Orchard Festival fund Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.
She then noted a copy of the new City of Goodman Building Permit that was put in the Boards packet and that is what it the form will look like after the Ordinances are passed for the Building Inspector Fee
She also noted the 7 month budget comparison was in the Boards packet.
She also noted that City Clerk Paula Brodie and her talked about the O&M reserves and felt it would be better to take the treatment plant roof replacement and the aerator out of the reserves instead of the pump the Board approved at the last meeting totaling $5500.00. She explained the pump is something budgeted every year and the roof and the aerator were not budgeted. The reserves would have $19, 638.50 taken out for the roof and aerator and that will leave $41,021.49 in the reserves.
The Board discussed the bills from September 6, 2016 in the amount of $49,108.56 including
transfers. Ald. Wilson made a motion to approve the bills in the amount of $49,108.56 including transfers. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.
Ald. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the metting. Ald. Coe seconded. Ald. Coe, Wilson and Kezar voted aye, with 0 nays.