Agenda- December 17, 2013

Tuesday December 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1.     Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2.     Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular Board meeting held on December 3, 2013 and from the budget meeting held on December 2, 2013.
3.     Citizens business. 
4.     Begin business section of the meeting starting with unfinished business:  
               l. Discuss and vote on Bill # 2013-440 for Ordinance #2013-450 approving the 2014 Budget. (Vote on twice, note that the ordinance must be passed by December 31, 2013).
              2. Discuss the water/sewer rates for 2014.
              3. Discuss and vote to approve the Mayor signing the proposal from Liquid Engineering to inspect and clean out the water towers per DNR requirements.
              4. Note that the bids for the cleanup of the property at 119 S. First Street will be opened at the meeting on January 7, 2013.
5.     New Business:
           1. Discuss and vote on whether or not to have General Code (Sullivan Publication) update the City’s Code book.
           2.  Discuss Christmas gifts for employees.  
6.     Department heads: 
         a. Chief Drake.     
         b. David Brodie-
        c. Denis Kolb.
        d. Dawn Bunch  – 
        e. Paula Brodie  –  note that the signups for open Board positions will be from December 17, 2013 until January 21, 2014. Positions open will be Northward Alderperson (Calvin Wilson), Southward Alderperson (Keith Kohley) and Municipal Judge (Clyde Davidson). 
       –  note that the City Hall will be closed at 11:30 on December 24th, all day December 25th and January 1, 2014 for New Year’s Day.
       –  note that the City Hall will be open all day on December 31st, New Year’s Eve.
7.   Vote to approve the bills in the amount of $55,065.80 including transfers.
8.    Adjourn the meeting.