The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night September 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett, JR Fisher and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Officer Curt Drake, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch and Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb. Guests included Jeanette Brodie, Larry Brodie, Steve Wimpy, Lois Kolb, Hope Hively, Jim Craig and Carlton Lewis. Also present was Amye Buckley from the Neosho Daily News and Joyce Haynes from the McDonald County Press.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on August 16, 2011. Keith Kohley stated that he did not say at the last meeting that he wanted Greg Sweeten removed from his position as McDonald County Emergency Management Director. He stated that he did say that he wanted Greg Sweeten shut down from making comments about the Goodman Emergency Management Department. The Mayor stated that he would entertain a motion to approve the minutes with the correction to paragraph 5 of the second page of the minutes from August 16, 2011 as requested by Ald. Kohley. Ald Fisher moved to approve the minutes from August 16 2011 with the noted correction. Ald Hess seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Hess, Lett and Kohley voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the special meeting on August 29, 2011. Ald Fisher moved to approve the minutes from August 29, 2011. Ald Kohley seconded. Aldermen Fisher, Lett, Kohley, and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
The Board discussed a request from Harvey Reed to average his water bill at 128 E. Splitlog. David stated that Mr. Reed had said that while he was gone someone had turned on his out side hydrant. Ald Fisher moved to approve averaging his water and sewer bill. Ald Lett seconded. Ald. Fisher, Lett, Kohley and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board of Aldermen acknowledged Hope Hively to discuss her holding a benefit event at the Goodman Ballpark. She noted that she had requested the use of the Ballpark from Recreation Board director Stewart Pace and that he had told her he had no objections to her using the ballpark. She stated that recently her son was diagnosed with Legg Calves Perthes. She stated that after seeking help from various organizations she realized that his illness was so rare that there was not much help available. She said she had decided to form an organization to hold fund raisers to help her son and others. She said that any donations received would be divided between hiring an attorney to draw up the not for profit organization paper work, the newly formed organization and the Shriner’s. She stated that she was going to hold carnival type games and a hot dog roast. She stated that she would probably charge $3.00 per person. She asked for donations and help from any volunteers. She stated that she hoped the fire department and police department would participate. She noted that it is going to be held on Saturday October 29th from 3:00PM to 9:00PM. Jim Morgan, a member of the Goodman Area Fire Protection Board stated that he was sure the firemen would participate. Jim Craig stated that he would donate a hog. Ms. Hively stated any help or donations could be made by contacting her at 364-5349. The Board agreed to allow her to hold the benefit event at the Ballpark on the 29th of October.
The Board acknowledged Jim Craig to discuss his request for a business license to open a used car dealership at Royhill Blvd (Brodie’s Café). The Board discussed with him variances that he would need to get approved to open a car lot at that location. The Board and Mr. Craig went over the variances from Section 405.170 (H). The Mayor noted that the ordinance required that the driveway and the parking area would have to be asphalted under the present ordinance. It also required more lighting than is now available. Mr. Craig stated that he thought the present lighting would be adequate. Mayor Richmond stated that it sounded like the Board would need to give him a variance for Section 405.170, H, 3 and 6. Ald Lett moved to approve giving Mr. Craig the variances for Section 405.170, H, 3 and 6. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Lett, Kohley, and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
Mr. Craig stated that in actuality he would be the owner of the business, but someone else is going to run it. He noted that the car repairs will be done at the business by Marvin Mitchell. Ald Lett moved to approve Mr. Craig’s request for a business license, pending his receipt of his state license. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye, with 0 nays.
Department heads gave the following reports
Tom West- told the Board of a complaint regarding trash from one of the convenience stores.
David Brodie- informed the Board that the City Barn was broke into over the weekend. He noted that all of the brass fittings, brass wire and even the wiring on the replacement pumps he had in storage was taken. He noted to replace the wiring on the pumps will be expensive. The Board asked if the theft had been turned over to the City’s insurance company. David stated that Tom was working up a Police report and he was getting quotes for the insurance company.
David noted that the water loss report prepared by the water clerk every month shows that the city’s well pumped 15% more water than was sold. He stated that the Board needed to look into hiring someone to do a leak detection test on the water system. He stated that the City being a member of the Missouri Rural Water Association might be able to get them to help locate the leaks. He noted that the Association does have a leak detection device and will usually check for leaks for free. Ald Fisher asked what percent of water loss is allowed. David stated 2% to 3%. He said that even after the water project was completed the loss was hire than 2% or 3%. He stated that in the past the city had hired a company out of Illinois to run a leak detection test to help the City find the leaks.
David reported that he talked with Colin Swift from Swift Construction about the City’s problem with all of the street cuts from the water improvement project. He stated that he had asked him to look into the cost to grind down the cuts and repair them. He said that Colin proposed to grind off the existing asphalt in the patches to a depth of 2”, apply a tack coat of SS-1 emulsion, and install 2” of hot mix asphalt paving at $98.50 a square yard. David stated Colin had said that he was not sure that doing the above noted procedure would work and that he could not guarantee the work. David stated that Colin recommended a 2” overlay on the whole street which would cost $.80 cents a square foot. He said that for 1,000 feet that would figure out to be $16,000.00 to $17,000.00. He said that Colin suggested the City should look into apply for street grants.
David stated that he felt that the Board needed to address the water leak problem first before spending any of the water lawsuit money on street repairs.
Denis Kolb- noted that he has received money for several IRIS memberships. He asked the Board how they wanted to set up a bank account to handle the funds. The clerk noted that the funds could be deposited into the General Fund under an Emergency Management revenue account number. She stated that the funds would be kept separate from other funds in the General Fund account like the Police Training fund and the Judicial Training fund is kept. She suggested that if the Board wanted to handle it any differently they could talk with Nick Myers, the cities CPA before setting up any new accounts.
Denis reported that he has given everyone who has paid for a membership a receipt. He stated that as the people pay part of the funds will be paid to IRIS. The clerk noted that an expenditure account for IRIS could be set up and then the Board would give approval to pay the bill as they do all bills. The Board agreed to put the money in the General Fund designated for the Emergency Management Department. Ald Kohley stated that someone else is using the printers at the Emergency Management Department. He said that the computers are password protected.
Ald Lett asked if a message could be put on the water bills telling people about the IRIS system. The clerk noted that the space hold only two short sentences. The Board after discussion decided to have Denis make out an informational letter, and then mail it with using the cities bulk mailing permit. It was noted that labels can be printed out of the water billing software for water users only.
Dawn Bunch – asked if the Board had any questions from her report.
Paula Brodie – noted information from the Missouri Municipal League regarding their on online courses.
The Board discussed the following old business:
1. Joshua Bradford- The Mayor reported that the trailer was down to the frame. The Board agreed that there was not a need to give Mr. Bradford any more extensions as he had almost completed the work.
2. Ald Fisher stated that he had no new information regarding the easement needed for Jesse Ruby’s water line as Mrs. Wiley had not been available and her son was out of town.
Ald Lett stated she wondered why the new crosswalk on Janice was placed where it was. David stated that he just thought it was the best place for it. He noted that the choice of where to place it was restricted because of driveways and the New Mac electric box.
The Board discussed the following new Business:
Ald Kohley stated that Osage Door needs to clean up their property, and that it was time to start thinking about the City Barbeque at his house.
Ald Fisher stated that the City of Goodman’s Emergency Management Department will be part of a ceremony in Joplin to honor the original flag that was flown at Ground Zero in New York after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center Towers.
Jimmie Morgan noted that the Annual Meeting for the Goodman Area Fire Protection District will be on September 17 from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. He stated that they will be giving out hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and soda. He invited the Board of Aldermen and stated that all citizens were invited.
The Mayor noted that he met with representatives from SEMA in regards to the National Flood Plan.
The Board discussed the bills for September 6, 2011 for $37,470.61 including transfers. Ald Fisher moved to approve the bills in the amount of $37,470.61. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Lett, Kohley and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ____________________
Date: ________________