Tuesday February 5, 2013 at 7:00PM at the
Goodman City Hall
- Call the meeting to order.
- Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on January 15, 2013.
- Public Hearing to discuss changing the Zoning at Marion’s Market 205 S. Roy Hill Blvd from C-2 to R-3. Vote to approve the change.
- Department head reports:
Tom West-
David Brodie-
Denis Kolb-
Dawn Bunch – Monthly report.
Paula Brodie – inform Board about annual City Clerks Spring Institute March 11th to 14th 2013.
5. Discuss old business:
6. Discuss new business:
7. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $30,279.52 including transfers.
8. Adjourn the meeting.