Tuesday September 5, 2017
The Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Calvin Wilson, Keith Kohley, Alice Kezar and Ron Johnson. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb, Police Chief Curt Drake, Tax Collector Meghan Sexson and City Clerk Karla McNorton. Also present were Lois Kolb, Roger and Carol Coe, Clyde Davidson, Jared Mackall, Tammie Davis, Kevin Keeney and Sally Carroll from the McDonald County Press.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
The Board discussed on the Public Meeting from August 15, 2017 on setting the 2017 tax levy. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the Public Meeting minutes held on August 15, 2017 on setting the 2017 tax levy. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye and Ald. Johnson abstained.
The Board discussed the regular meeting minutes from August 15, 2017. Ald. Wilson noted on page three paragraph two, it should not be contract JR and Marshall, it should be contact. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on August 15, 2017 with the noted correction. Ald. Kezar seconded. Ald. Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye and Ald. Johnson abstained.
The Board discussed the Comprehensive Plan meeting from August 22, 2017. Ald. Johnson moved to approve the minutes from the Comprehensive Plan meeting held on August 22, 2017. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed averaging Earline Wilson’s water bill. It was noted there was not an additional leak and the $116.35 with the 20% would be the averaged amount. Ald. Kohley moved to average the water bill for Earline Wilson in the amount of $116.35 including the 20%. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley voted aye and Ald. Kezar and Wilson abstained.
City Clerk McNorton explained she had spoken to Patti at Nick Myers, CPA and Nick Myers suggests we get the Clover Mini machine for $350.00. With this machine you will set up one account and all credit card transactions will go into the one account. Nick suggests transferring the payments at the end of the month to the correct accounts by using the reports and after the credit card fees are taken on the 3rd or 5th of the month, transfer any remaining funds from the convenience fee collected to a miscellaneous account in the General Fund. The second option would be to purchase the machine from NCourt and the citizens will pay the fee to them. Now, if we decide in the future to no longer use NCourt, we have paid for a machine that can no longer be used.
after a brief discussion, Ald. Wilson moved to get a credit card machine from First Community Bank for up to $500.00 including set up fees. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.
City Clerk McNorton informed the Board she had set up the tree giveaway for citizens with Marilyn Ponder from Empire. Marilyn is happy with November 4, 2017 at 12:00 P.M. to plant the Tulip tree and do the giveaway at the City Hall. Brodie asked if he could take out the redbud tree to center the tulip tree we’re getting and dig a hole for them to plant the tulip tree. Brodie thinks it would look better when the tree is fully grown. It was agreed to have Brodie take out the red bud tree if he thought would make it look better.
It was noted that the community building had been cleaned up and the pad was swept and clean.
The Board discussed the property at 122 N. School St. (Cindy McCoy property.) Tax Collector Sexson noted that the McCoy property has been up for sale for three years with the City and has not sold. It was bought last year at County, but the person refused to pay the City taxes because of the demolition that was attached. Sexson noted that the City could purchase the property from County next year and pay the taxes owed to the City and clear the books. The City could then sell the property to one of the two interested parties from last year. After a brief discussion, it was agreed since we can only wait for now, to table the discussion.
The Board then opened the bids for the lighting for the ballpark.
The first bid was from Fagan Electric out of Joplin in the amount of $43,750.00. This would be for new Sportslighter 1500 watt metal halide light fixtures on the north side of the baseball field for forty-three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($43,750.00). The proposal includes: demo and disposal of 33 existing fixtures, installation of 33 new Sportslighter 1500 watt metal halide fixtures, 1 new support arm to match existing, 1 aerial lift.
Proposal does not include: New poles or support arms not listed above, replacement of existing triplex between poles, any panels or breaker not listed above, any lighting contractors, photo eyes, controllers or switches, overtime. All work to be completed during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday, excluding holidays. Sales tax, if the project is not tax exempt, add $2000.00 to base price. NOTE: an alternate LED option would be an additional $53,000.00 for the LED fixture package. After a brief discussion, Ald. Wilson made a motion to accept the bid from Fagan Electric out of Joplin to fix the ballpark lighting in the amount of $43,750.00. The Motion did not include finding out how much it would cost to lower the lights 20 feet, noting the bid could increase for the lowering of the lights. Ald. Kohley seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.
Old Business: Karla noted that Chief Drake had hung the condemnation notice at 108 W. Williams on August 10, 2017. That will be on the next agenda to move forward with.
Karla then noted a letter was sent to 122 and 122 ½ N. Wall about cleaning up the property on August 14, 2017 giving him 30 days to inform the Board of their intentions or the condemnation process will begin. Brodie noted he had received a call from a contractor regarding demolition of the structures.
Karla also noted she had sent a letter to 128 E. Main St. on August 22, 2017 asking the owner to inform the Board within 30 days of his intentions for the cleanup of the property.
Other old business: It was noted that the property at 110 W. Splitlog needs to be cleaned up again as it is looking very bad. It was agreed to have a cleanup letter sent.
New Business: Kevin Keeney asked the Board if they had plans on replacing the Gazebo on Main St. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to place the topic on the next agenda.
Citizens Business: There was none
Department head reports.
Curt Drake- Chief Drake noted the camera is installed in the Charger and it came in $200.00 under budget. Drake plans on using the $200.00 to install a camera in the SUV. Drake also noted the Charger needs new tires. It was discussed and agreed by the Board for Curt to go ahead and get the tires needed at a reasonable price since we still had insurance money available and tires are necessary.
Curt then noted he had spoken to Michael Keels and he did not put backup drives in with the bid and those will be needed for backing up the cameras. He will need two small ones that are around $100.00 each. Curt also noted they will need new cabling for the whole building and the cost for both will be between $500.00 and $700.00. Ald. Kohley moved to approve the backups and cabling for the police station at a cost of up to $700.00. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.
Curt then asked if it was still ok that the reserves were to be paid for working the Ozark Orchard Festival. It was agreed they are to be paid.
Denis Kolb-Denis noted the Emergency Management Department has been watching hurricane Iris and are concerned that gas prices are going to rise.
David Brodie-David noted that Tatum Motors brought the tractor back and David Sarratt has used it and it seems to be running good.
David then noted the valve has come in.
David then noted he is trying to get electric to the ballpark He has the multi-plugs figured out, he has the electric figured out for the scoreboard and he has a plan for the bandstand.
David also noted the stump will be removed soon.
Meghan Sexson- noted the Board has the report for August and she has nothing else to report.
Karla McNorton- noted the new copier has been installed and it works great. She thanked the Board for approving getting a new copier.
Ald. Kohley noted the City employee barbecue is September 24, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.
Mayor Richmond noted the Ozark Orchard Festival is September 16, 2017 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. He then noted we still need volunteers for the bouncy houses, singing and volunteers will get a t-shirt.
The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $33,128.42 including transfers. Ald. Kezar moved to approve the bills in the amount of $33,128.42 including transfers. Ald. Johnson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald. Kohley moved to adjourn the meeting. Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Johnson, Kohley, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.