Agenda-April 5, 2016



Tuesday April 5, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.  Call the meeting to order. 

2.  Discuss and vote on the minutes from March 15, 2016

3. Acknowledge representative from the Rehobson family regarding use of Ballpark July 30th weekend.

4. Discuss raising the building inspection fee.

5. Discuss and vote on the first and second reading of Bill No. 2016-469 for Ordinance No. 2016-479, accepting the provisions of Senate Bill 5.

6. Discuss hiring Mike Williams to do the mowing for the City.                                                                                   

7.  Discuss old business.


8.  Discuss new Business.


9. Department head reports.

                        Curt Drake

                        Denis Kolb

                        David Brodie

                        Meghan Sexson

                        Paula Brodie – Discuss having Karla attend future Board Meetings. 

                                             — Note the newly elected conference from MML.                  

                                             — Note Sending Karla to the Joplin Disaster Recovery Summit.

10.    Discuss and approve the bills from April 5, 2016 in the amount of $ 25,456.57 including transfers.

11.   Move to adjourn the meeting.