Tuesday January 19, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Discuss and vote on the minutes from January 5, 2016.
3. Open bids for replacing the treatment plant roof. Discuss and decide on the bid.
4. Discuss the contract between the City of Goodman and Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council to draw up the Comprehensive Plan for the City.
5. Discuss old Business.
1. Note that a complaint was received regarding the trailers owned by Bud Terrill.
6. Discuss new Business.
1. Note citizens’ concerns regarding Chicken operation going in north of the City Limits.Discuss impact to the city.
7, Department head reports.
Curt Drake
Denis Kolb
David Brodie
Meghan Sexson
Paula Brodie
8. Discuss and approve the bills in the amount of $36,815.75
9. Move to adjourn the meeting.