Agenda- September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall

1. Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting September 2, 2014.

3. Citizens Business:

1. Acknowledge Wanda Parson to discuss her water bill.

4. Vote on Ordinances for the second readings.

1. Bill No. 2014-451 for Ord. No. 2014-461 changing the personnel policy on compensation hours.
2. Bill No. 2014-452 for Ord. No. 2014-462 changing the personnel policy on vacation leave.
3. Bill No. 2014-453 for Ord. No. 2014-463 adding back in the rear yard depth.

5. Vote on Ordinance for First reading.
1. Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 deleting penalty wording from Section 505.080.

6. Acknowledge Ester Harris regarding the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce.

7. Discuss old business.
1. Discuss quote from Michael Keels on video conferencing.
2. Discuss City Hall awning.

8. Discuss new business:
1. Discuss cashing in a Water Works Certificate of Deposit to reimburse the water cash account for the street project and pump and motor from January. CD comes due on 9/23/14.
2. Discuss whether or not to purchase Halloween Candy.

9. Department head reports:
Curt Drake-.
Denis Kolb-.
David Brodie- Discuss purchasing a chlorination system for the well on Barlow.
Dawn Bunch –
Paula Brodie-

10. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $37,494.65.

11. Adjourn the meeting.
Tuesday September 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall

1. Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting September 2, 2014.

3. Citizens Business:

1. Acknowledge Wanda Parson to discuss her water bill.

4. Vote on Ordinances for the second readings.

1. Bill No. 2014-451 for Ord. No. 2014-461 changing the personnel policy on compensation hours.
2. Bill No. 2014-452 for Ord. No. 2014-462 changing the personnel policy on vacation leave.
3. Bill No. 2014-453 for Ord. No. 2014-463 adding back in the rear yard depth.

5. Vote on Ordinance for First reading.
1. Bill No. 2014-454 for Ord. No. 2014-464 deleting penalty wording from Section 505.080.

6. Acknowledge Ester Harris regarding the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce.

7. Discuss old business.
1. Discuss quote from Michael Keels on video conferencing.
2. Discuss City Hall awning.

8. Discuss new business:
1. Discuss cashing in a Water Works Certificate of Deposit to reimburse the water cash account for the street project and pump and motor from January. CD comes due on 9/23/14.
2. Discuss whether or not to purchase Halloween Candy.

9. Department head reports:
Curt Drake-.
Denis Kolb-.
David Brodie- Discuss purchasing a chlorination system for the well on Barlow.
Dawn Bunch –
Paula Brodie-

10. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $37,494.65.

11. Adjourn the meeting.