Minutes-Public Hearing for Annexation August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013 at 6:00PM


The Board of Aldermen held a Public Hearing on August 20, 2013 at 6:00PM. Those present at the meeting were Mayor Richmond, Ald. Kezar, Ald. Wilson and Ald. Hess, Clerk Paula Brodie, Asst. Clerk Karla McNorton, City Supervisor David Brodie, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch and Chief of Police Curt Drake. Guests included, Mr. Ehnin, Abe Paul and Katrina Hine from the McDonald County Dispatch. Ald. Kohley was not present.

The Mayor called the Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public regarding an annexation request to the Missouri Department of Transportation from the City of Goodman to annex all that part of State Highway 59 right of way, described as beginning at the existing southern city limit of the City of Goodman, located on the Section line of Sections 17 and 18, Township 23 North, Range 32 West, and continuing in a southerly direction through Sections 17, 18, 19, and 30, Township 23 North, Range 32 West, and ending at the existing northern city limit of the City of Anderson at the north line of Splitlog Road, located in Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 32 West, except any part previously annexed into the City of Goodman, All in McDonald County. in all of 59 Highway and right of way from the South City Limits of Goodman to the North City Limits of the City of Anderson.

The Mayor noted that the Board had received letters from Bobby Anglin and Sherrill Gilmore. He stated that he had read them to the Board at the Board meeting on August 12, 2013. He noted that both of them were against the annexation. He also informed the Board that they had received one other letter from Johnny Blevens. He proceeded to read Mr. Blevens letter. Mr. Blevens was also against the annexation. It was noted that Mr. Blevens reasons were the same as Mr. Anglins.

The Mayor then acknowledged the following people to hear their comments:

The Mayor acknowledged Mr. Johnny Ehnen from 125 N. Whitmore St.

Mr. Ehnen, asked what the City was going to gain by the annexation. The Mayor stated that it was not what they were going to gain. He explained that there were several reasons that the Board had for asking for the annexation.

Mr. Ehnen stated that he would like to see the Board put more effort into filling the empty houses in town. He said the police should patrol the city limits.

Ald. Wilson stated that the City was not trying to make people annex their property into the City Limits. He stated that the Board would not need to run city services as they were not asking for the properties. He said that the Board was only asking for the Highway and the Highway right of way. He said the Highway Patrol does work the highway; however there are not enough Patrolmen to help keep control of the traffic. The City Police would be able to help maintain the traffic, and work traffic accidents. He recalled incidents were he had observed people running the stop sign from the exit ramp off of 49 Highway unto 59 Highway almost causing accidents.

David stated that he thought that one of the main reasons was to keep Anderson from moving farther north. If the City would want to be able to grow they can’t if the City of Anderson keeps moving north.

The Mayor stated that as a Board they needed to be looking into where there could be possible growth. He said he would like to see the Board consider looking into future growth in all directions. He also stated that several towns are annexing in highways. He stated Pineville, Anderson and Neosho all have extended their city limits by annexing in highways.

The Mayor acknowledged Abe Paul, who stated he was present to represent Bobby Anglin. He asked the Board how many people had responded to the letters. The Mayor noted that the Board had sent out 27 letters and that they had received only three back. He noted that none of the others had responded. Mr. Paul stated that he had driven the stretch of highway noting that the City would be adding about 3 miles. He asked how the City was going to maintain that amount of additional highway. It was noted that the City would not have to maintain the Highway, that the Missouri Department of Transportation would maintain it as it would still be a State Highway. He asked if the City was saying that their reason for the annexation was because there was no law enforcement presence along that stretch. Chief Drake stated he felt all of the Departments worked well together, however the Highway Patrol and the County like the Cities are limited in the amount of officers they have. He said if the City could help patrol, there would be added police presence. He said that it would help the other departments to have further protection.

There was some conversation regarding if and when the Goodman Police could respond outside the City Limits of Goodman. Chief Drake said they could respond, if asked by County, but were limited in what they could do.

Mr. Paul asked if the City had done a study to figure out the cost. The Board answered no. The Mayor stated again that the main reason for the annexation was that the Board was concerned about encroachment from the South by the City of Anderson and that they have to keep looking forward in regards to the growth of the City.

The Clerk noted that the letter the Board had sent out asked for comments, concerns or questions. It was noted that since the other Twenty-four (24) people did not respond they must not have had any objections.

The Mayor noted that the City had sent a response to Mr. Anglin’s original letter clarifying that the Board was not asking him to annex in his property and restating why the Board was asking for the annexation.

Ald. Kezar stated that she felt that the Goodman Police should be allowed to respond to situations on that stretch of highway. She noted there are times that the Goodman Police would be the closest to respond to accidents.

The Mayor asked if anyone had any more comments or questions. There was none.

Ald. Wilson moved to adjourn. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess, Kezar and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.