Tuesday June 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1. Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on June 4, 2013.
3. Citizens business.
a. Acknowledge John Phillips requesting the Board to average his water bill. .
4. Begin business section of meeting starting with unfinished business.
a. Discuss outdoor announcement cabinet for City Hall.
b. Note that the Board will be opening letters of intent for an Administrator and Architect for the Post Emergency/Shelter Community Building at the next regular meeting. Letters of interest must be returned by July 1, 2013 at 4:00PM.
5. New Business.
6. Department heads.
a. Chief Drake Discuss purchasing items to complete kit for evidence and interview collection that is kept in patrol vehicles. (needs to purchase a digital camera, a digital recorder, floor mats)
b. David Brodie.
c. Denis Kolb.
d. Dawn Bunch
e. Paula Brodie. Note that the Board received the Grant Narrative in their packets.
Note the Board received a copy of an ordinance reestablishing attendance to Board meetings.
Report that the title search for the grant application cost $200.00.
7. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $ 36,936.94
8. Adjourn the meeting.