Agenda-May 21, 2013



Tuesday May 21, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall   

    1.     Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.     Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on May 7, 2013 and the special session on May 9 2013.

3.     Citizens business.

 4.     Begin business section of meeting starting with unfinished business.               

                   a. Open and decide on bids for the Ford 250 truck bed.

                   b. discuss and decide on steps for the Dodge Ram Patrol truck and a new photo copier.

                   c. Discuss outdoor announcement cabinet for City Hall.

                   d. Discuss plaque for Tom West, and when to hold retirement reception.

                   e. Discuss patrol officers position, applications and decide when to interview applicants.

                   f. Discuss the job descriptions for the City Employees and the Recreation Board Director.

                   g. Note the public hearing set for May 30, 2013 at 6:00PM to discuss the CDBG grant application for the Emergency Shelter/Community Building.

5.     New Business.                 

6.     Department heads.     

                   a. Chief Drake          

                   b. David Brodie.

                   c. Denis Kolb.

                   d. Dawn Bunch.

                   e. Paula Brodie.                                         

 7.    Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $30,284.78.

8.     Adjourn the meeting.