Minutes-November 6, 2012

The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night November 6, 2012 at 7:00 PM.  Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Kristin Lett, Calvin Wilson and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch, City Clerk Paula Brodie and Officer Curt Drake. Guests included JR Fisher, Walter Jeffers, Crystal Vaughan, Michael Richmond and Jim Morgan. Ald. Kohley was not present.

The Mayor called the meeting to order.

The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on October 16, 2012. Ald. Lett moved to approve the minutes. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Hess and Lett voted aye with Calvin Wilson Abstained because he was not present at the meeting.

The Mayor acknowledged Jim Morgan from the Rural Fire District and the Goodman Betterment Club. He stated that the Betterment Club had completed several projects for the community like making the helicopter pad across from the City Hall, the chain link fence for the new park, and they set up the Christmas Parade and collecting funds for the candy that they gave out at the parade.  He told the Board that it cost between $500.00 and $600.00 for candy.

Ald. Lett moved to approve giving the Betterment Club $200.00 for the Christmas candy.  Ald. Wilson seconded. Ald. Wilson, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.

Mr. Morgan stated that he had programed the City’s radios changing them to narrow band. He told the Board that two of the cities radios were very old. He said that the radios are so old he almost couldn’t get them programed. He said with the help of a computer programmer that he knows he was able to program both of the radios but he was afraid he would not be able to work on them in the future. He told the Board that the radios might need to be replaced the future.

Jim Morgan asked the Board to allow the Rural Fire Department to put an antenna on the water tower on School Street. He said they had thought that in case of emergencies it would be good to have an extra antenna installed.  The Board agreed to allow them to put an antenna on the tower.

Mr. Morgan stated that he was waiting for the gas company to remove their service line at the house on 122 N. School Street before he can begin to demolishing it. He informed the Board that there has been some changing of the rules of what could be put in dumpsters.

Mr. Morgan also asked that the Board look into what could be down to repair the alley behind the fire department.  David stated it would take at least two loads of gravel.

David noted that Swift is supposed to start the street repair on the 19th of November.

The Mayor noted that Max Mace was not present again. It was decided if he wanted to be on the agenda he needs to contact the City Hall. Chief West is to let him know he is to bring a drawing of what he wants to do.

The Mayor read Bill # 2012-433 for its first reading. Ald. Wilson moved to accept the first reading of Bill # 2012-433 for Ord. # 2012-443, exempting existing mobile home parks from Chapter 415. Ald. Hess seconded. Ald. Wilson, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.

The Board discussed placing the use tax on the April 2013 Ballot. The Mayor asked the Board if they really wanted to place it on the ballot. He stated that the Board had tried to get the people to approve the use tax a few years ago. He said he believed it did not pass because people really did not understand what it was. He said he felt that there was a good possibility it would not be approved.  Ald. Lett stated that she did not think it would pass so there was no point in paying to have it placed on the ballot. JR Fisher asked what the purpose was for the use tax. The Mayor stated it would be to bolster the General Fund. Mr. Fisher asked wouldn’t it be better to cut spending. The Mayor stated that was an option that they can look into.  The Board agreed not to put the use tax on the ballot.

The department heads gave the following reports:

Tom West- had nothing to report.

David Brodie- noted the ad was placed in the Neosho Daily News and the McDonald County Press to repair the well house roof and the soffits on the Police  Department. It was noted that bids are to be opened at the Board meeting on November 20th.

                      – noted that the tree at 105 W. Garner turned out to be on private property not  City.

                     – noted that he had received the application from DNR to renew the permit to  run the treatment plant. He noted that he thought that when they get the permit back it will have new limits that are required. He noted that he thought that anew ammonia limit would be on the permit.

He noted that Marshal Long had come by to help him look at the well house roof to see what it needed to repair it so that he could tell interested bidders what was needed. He said it did have a rubber membrane roof.

Denis Kolb    -not present.

Dawn Bunch – had nothing to report. Her monthly report was in the Boards packets.

 Paula Brodie –noted that –nCourt is up and running and that she had placed a link on the City’s web page.

                       -noted the Board received an updated budget with expenditures and revenues  through September in their packet.

                       -ask the Board to set up a date for their first Budget workshop.

                       – noted email from Stuart Haynes in regard to question on putting out for bid the selling of City equipment.

                       – noted that the Schools annual Veterans Day assembly at school is Friday. She asked the Board if they would approve purchasing the cake for the dinner as they had in the past years. The Board agreed for her to get a cake.

Ald. Wilson asked if the Board wanted to set November the 15th for a budget workshop at 7:00PM. The Board agreed.

The Board discussed the following old business:

David reported that Colin Swift called and said they would try to be here on the19th day of November and he told him that he was going to be out of town. He noted that Colin said he would work around David’s being gone.

David reported that David Sarratt is in his last week of School, with his test on Friday.

JR Fisher asked about the black patrol car. The Mayor stated that the reserve officer does patrol in it when he has time possible. The Mayor noted that the reserve officer tries to take up some of the hours that there is not an officer on duty.

The Board discussed the following new business:

Wally Jeffers asked about the two items on the water bill about trash pickup. The Mayor clarified that he had been asking about holding a fall cleanup not realizing that the Sanitation collector picked up bulky items all year around. It was placed on the water bill to inform citizens that the sanitation collector picks up bulky trash all year around. The Clerk stated that the item in regards to the two trash can allotment was just a reminder for people about how many cans they were supposed to put out. She stated that the City’s Code states that the normal pickup is two 39 gallon cans per household. She noted several people around town were putting out in excess of the two cans, so it was placed on the water bill as just a reminder.

JR Fisher asked about the use tax on the ballot. He stated that he had talked to MML about the City having a Tax Collector. He said that MML told him that they were surprised that a city with less than 1200 hundred people even has a tax collector. He said that they told him the city clerk could collect the taxes, thereby freeing up the tax collectors salary to pay other things such as the wages for a police officer. The Clerk informed the Board that during a state audit in 1985, the Board had been told to separate the duties of the collector and clerk to keep better control. Dawn noted that she gets paid 15% of the taxes she collects, which she pays all of her own taxes and insurances out of. The Mayor stated that the tax collectors position had been placed on the ballot a few years back and the citizens had voted to retain the position as an elected position instead of appointed.

Ald. Lett informed the Board that she had received a tax notifying the Board that Stuart Pace is resigning as Recreation Board Director. She asked how the Board fills the position. It was noted that the Board appoints a Recreation Board Director, usually at the suggestion of the Recreation Board. The Board asked that Stuart notify them in writing that he is resigning and ask the Recreation Board for a suggestion of who they would want for the next Recreation Board Director. It was suggested that Michael Wasson the Assistant Board Director might want to move up. The Board asked David to winterize the ball park. The Clerk is to contact Stuart with the Boards request, and to put voting on his resignation on the next agenda.

Ald. Lett asked about a bill on the bill sheet for a new LCD Monitor. Curt stated that his had gone out and Tom had replaced it.

JR Fisher stated that he didn’t know what the MML told Paula in the past but he would like to know why the Board wouldn’t place the Tax Collectors position on the ballot. Ald. Hess stated he did not see any reason to place the issue on a ballot. That he thought Dawn was doing an excellent job that the taxes were collected properly and it seems to run flawlessly so why change it. Ald. Lett stated that she understood what JR was saying because the wages saved would free up money for things like the emergency management department. Ald. Wilson said he didn’t want to make any changes. JR stated that he wasn’t saying anything about the job Dawn does, but he thought the Board might consider looking into a different direction to save money. The Mayor agreed with Ald. Wilson stating he did not see any reason to change things.

The Board discussed the bills in the amount of $24,999.84 including transfers. Ald. Wilson moved to approve the bills in the amount of $24,999.84 including transfers. Ald. Hess seconded.  Ald. Hess, Lett and Wilson voted aye with 0 nays.

Ald. Wilson moved to adjourn. Ald. Lett seconded. Ald. Wilson, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0    nays.


                                                                                                         Greg Richmond, Mayor


Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Approved: ____________________

                                                                                                                   Date: ________________