Tuesday November 6, 2012 at 7:00PM at the
Goodman City Hall
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 16, 2012.
3 Acknowledge Jim Morgan from the Rural Fire District.
4. Acknowledge Max Mace to discuss a request for the placing a storage container at the back of his property on Main Street.
5. Vote on the first reading of Bill # 2012-433 for Ord.# 2012-443,exempting existing mobile home parks from Chapter 415.
6. Discuss placing the use tax on the April 2013 Ballot.
7. Department head reports:
Tom West-
David Brodie- noted the ad was placed in the Neosho Daily News and the McDonald County Press to repair the well house roof and the soffits on the Police Department. Bids to be opened at Board meeting on November 20th.
– noted that the tree at 105 W. Garner turned out to be on private property not City.
Denis Kolb-
Dawn Bunch – Monthly report.
Paula Brodie –note that –nCourt is up and running.
-note the Board received an updated budget with expenditures and revenues through September in their packet.
-ask Board when they would like to set up their first Budget workshop.
– note email from Stuart Haynes in regard to question on putting out for bid the selling of City equipment.
8. Discuss old business:
9. Discuss new business:
10. Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of $24,999.84.
11. Adjourn the meeting.