Agenda-December 20, 2011



Tuesday December 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the

Goodman City Hall

1.   Call the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2.   Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on December 6, 2011 and from the Budget meetings on December 8th and December 13th.

 3.   Acknowledge Lilly Jean Igisomar to discuss approving a business license for her to open an oriental market at the old Goodman Auto Supply Store.

4.   Discuss and vote on whether or not to hire Nick Myers, CPA to do the 2011 Audit or to put it out for bid.

5.  Discuss and vote on renewing agreement with Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council.

6.   Discuss renewing the contract with Sullivan Publications to up date City Code Book with ordinances passed during 2011.

7.   Discuss and vote on Bill No: 2011-427 for Ordinance No: 2011-437 approving the 2012 Budget. Note that the 2012 Budget needs to be in place before January 1st, so the Board will need to vote on it twice.

8.    Department head reports:

Tom West-

David Brodie

Denis Kolb- . 

Dawn Bunch –

Paula Brodie       – note that the Candidate Filing dates are from December 13, 2011 thru   January 17th from 7:30am to 4:00pm. On January 17th signups will be until 5:00pm per State Statute. Positions open are Municipal Judge and 1 Aldermen from each ward for 2 year terms.

– note that the City Hall will be closed at 11:30am on    December 23rd and December 26th for the Christmas Holiday. The City Hall will also be closed on January 2nd, New Year’s Day.

9.    Discuss old business:                                                   

10.    Discuss new Business:                          

11  Discuss and vote on the bills including transfers in the amount of 38652.31$.

12.    Adjourn the meeting.