The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night December 6, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett, JR Fisher and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West and Denis Kolb Emergency Management Director. Also present was David and Jennifer Hoffman, Ann Johnson, Steve Wimpy and Joyce Haynes from the McDonald County Press.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on November 15, 2011. Ald Fisher moved to approve the minutes. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Fisher, Hess, Kohley and voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the budget meeting on November 29, 2011. Ald Kohley moved to approve the minutes. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Hess, Kohley, Fisher and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed their annual donation of $150.00 to the Goodman Betterment Club for the Candy for the Christmas Parade. Ald Lett moved to approve the donation. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Hess, Fisher, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed setting the dates and times for the Candidate Filing. It was noted that State Statutes show the filing should be from December 13, 2011 thru January 17th from 7:30am to 4:00pm. On January 17th signups will be until 5:00pm per State Statute. Positions open are Municipal Judge and 1 Aldermen from each ward for 2 year terms. Ald Kohley moved to approve the candidate filing dates of December 13, 2011 thru January 17th. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
The Board discussed renewing the contract with Sullivan Publications to up date City Code Book with ordinances passed during 2011.The Board decided to table their decision until the next meeting.
The Board discussed renewing the cities membership with Missouri Rural Services for the cities workmen’s compensation insurance. Ald Fisher moved to approve renewing the insurance, and to pay the $200.00 renewal fee. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Kohley, Fisher, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0nays.
The Board discussed hiring Nick Myers, CPA to complete the cities 2011 Audit. It was noted that Mr. Myers has audited the city’s books for several years. It was noted that he has increased his bid this year by $200.00 from last year. The Board discussed whether or not they would like to bid out the audit this year. Ald Lett stated she felt that she thought that sometimes-new eyes are a good thing. Ald Kohley stated that he was afraid that it might hurt the city to put it out for bid. Mayor Richmond stated that maybe the Board should look into putting the 2012 audit out for bid but go ahead and approve him doing the 2011 audit now. Mayor Richmond stated that Mr. Myers has a good reputation as a CPA. The Board decided to table a final decision until the next meeting.
The Department heads gave the following reports:
Tom West – had no report.
David Brodie- reported that the city had received the check from Moperm to reimburse for the stolen items from the city. Ald Fisher asked if there had been any word on the thefts, David stated not that he knew off and Tom stated that the places he had checked had not received any of the stolen merchandise.
Denis Kolb -had no report
Dawn Bunch – Board had copy of monthly report in their packets.
Paula Brodie – asked the Board to decide on a date for the second and third budget session. The Board decided on December 8, 2011 and December 13, 2011 at 6:00pm.
– noted the letter to Duane Cooper on whether or not the City should be paying employee taxes on the Tax Collector and his wages. She noted that Duane said he would look into it and get back with the Board. Ald Lett asked if it was not true that the Tax Collectors position was changed from an elected to an appointed. The Clerk informed her that the proposition was put before the citizens but that it did not pass, so the Tax Collectors position was still an elected position.
– noted that the Board has been invited to a Grand Opening at the First Community Bank.
– reported that she had received an application for a new Federal License, which will allow the City’s radio’s to run on narrow band which will be required by the FCC after December 2012. She also noted that Jimmie Morgan can reprogram the existing radios. Tom stated that the Police Departments newer radios will be able to be programmed to narrow band when the time comes.
The Board discussed the following old business:
The Board discussed the following new Business:
David Hoffman was present and stated that he had rented a trailer house at 124 N. Ozark Trail. He stated that he had been gone out on the road and when he got back he realized that they had a break in their line under their trailer. He noted that his wife had not yet moved to the home and the leak had gone on for several days while he was gone. He said that he had contacted his landlord and that the leak had been repaired, however they had received a water bill in the amount of $274.73. The Board discussed adjusting his bill and since he had not lived in the house long enough to have enough bills to average they discussed whether or not to charge him a minimum bill or a bill for the Rural Development average of 5,000 gallons. Ald Lett moved to adjust his water/ sewer bill to the minimum. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, Lett and Fisher voted aye with 0 nays.
David stated that he was trying to get the Christmas decorations up, however David Sarratt had been sick and that he had been sick too. He noted that because of the banks grand opening Dr. Warn Drive will be closed on Friday and Saturday.
Chief West asked the Mayor to help him with traffic for the Christmas Parade.
The Board discussed the bills for December 6, 2011 for $49,006.61 including transfers. Ald Fisher moved to approve the bills in the amount of $49,006.61. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Hess and Lett voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ___________________
Date: ________________