The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night October 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Greg Richmond, Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett, JR Fisher and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West and Officer Curt Drake. Also present was Joyce Haynes from the McDonald County Press. Guest included Greg Hammon and Carlton Lewis.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on October 4, 2011. Ald. Lett asked for an amendment to the Minutes. She stated that when Barbara from the General Dollar Store was speaking she had told her that she had been told rumors, that she was mislead and that the rumors were false. The Mayor noted that on the 4th page top paragraph is where that correction should go. Ald Lett also asked that John Bunch’s comment about you rallied us here, what was the reason, should be added to his comments. It was noted that John Bunch’s comments were on the 4th page 3rdparagraph. Ald Fisher moved to approve the minutes with the two amendments. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett, and Hess voted aye with 0 nay votes.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the special meeting on October 6, 2011. Ald Kohley moved to approve the minutes. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nay votes.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting special meeting on October 10 2011. Ald Lett moved to approve the minutes. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Kohley, Lett, Hess and Fisher voted aye with 0 nay votes.
Department heads gave the following reports:
Tom West – reported that his racial profiling report was completed and mailed in.
– noted that his winter conference with the Missouri Federation of Police Chiefs is December 1st, 2nd and 3rd. He informed the Board that the room rates were $49.00 a night. He told the Board that the classes he attends helps with the hours that he needs to maintain his certification. Ald Kohley moved to allow Tom to attend the conference, and to pay for his room. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, Lett and Fisher voted aye with 0 nay votes.
David Brodie- informed the Board that his fall training seminar is October 27th and 28th. He noted that he will receive 10 hours of the 30 hours he needs yearly to maintain his certification. He noted that the Missouri Department of Natural Resource’s vouchers will pay the seminar fees but the city will have to pay for the hotel. He noted that the hotel costs were around $80.00 a night. Ald Kohley moved to allow David to attend the fall conference. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Hess, Lett, Kohley and Fisher voted aye with 0 nay votes.
– noted that there was to be a benefit event on Saturday the 29th. He stated that Sherry from Marion’s market was helping with the arrangements and that she had requested the bathrooms to be open. David asked if the Board knew if she needed anything else. He stated that he concession stand he understood had been closed down for the year.
Denis Kolb – reported that the IRIS system is up and running.
Dawn Bunch – was not present.
Paula Brodie –asked the board to approve renewing the contract for the Easy Accounting s software, at the cost of $349.00. Ald Hess moved to approve renewing the contract. Ald Fisher seconded. Ald Hess, Fisher, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nay votes.
-discussed the need to replace the City Hall main computer. The Board aproved getting a quote from Michael Keels.
-asked the Board to look and decide what to do with the cities old inventory that is not being used.
– noted that the Board had been invited to a breakfast at the First Community Bank give comments on how the bank can continue to serve the community.
– noted that FEMA had approved the McDonald County Hazard Mitigation Plan. She noted that all of the cities in the county are included in the plan. She informed the Board that they need to pass an ordinance accepting the plan. She noted that she would place the ordinance on the next agenda.
The Board discussed the following old business:
1. Jesse Ruby was present and informed the Board that he had acquired a Right-of-Way easement to run his water line from Lavaughn Wiley. Ald Hess stated he thought that the easement was supposed to have been made out to the City. The Mayor noted that Jesse must have decided to go ahead and run his own water line and hook it into the City services at the City’s right of way where Mr. Cantrell’s meter is set. Ald Hess moved to set a meter at the corner of Barnes Street on the City right of way where Mr. Cantrell’s meter is and allow Jesse to hook to that meter after he runs his water line to the meter. Ald Lett seconded. Ald Hess, Lett, Kohley and Fisher voted aye with 0 nay votes.
David reported that he had replaced all of the parts that had been stolen from the City Garage and that the pumps had been repaired that were damaged. He said that the City’s Insurance had said that they would pay the repair and replacement costs, minus the deductible.
Board discussed the need to fix a leak on the roof of City Hall. It was noted that the building was a Morton Building and might be under warranty still. David is to look into the warranty.
The Board discussed the cleanup work around the Osage Door Company building
David noted that the Fire Department is going to give out candy on Halloween night and Tom stated that the Police Department is too.
There was no new business discussed.
The Board discussed the bills for October 18 2011 for $21625.67 including transfers. Ald Fisher moved to approve the bills in the amount of $21625.67. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Kohley, Lett, Hess and Fisher voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald Hess seconded. Ald Kohley, Hess, Fisher and Lett voted aye with 0 nay votes.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Approved: ____________________
Date: ________________