The Board of Aldermen held a meeting on Tuesday night September 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Alderpersons Keith Kohley, Kristin Lett, JR Fisher and Bill Hess. Also present were City Supervisor David Brodie, City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West, Officer Curt Drake, Tax Collector Dawn Bunch and Emergency Management Director Denis Kolb. Guests included Wimpy, Lois Kolb, Rowdy Cooper and Carlton Lewis. Also present was Amye Buckley from the Neosho Daily News and Joyce Haynes from the McDonald County Press. Mayor Richmond was not present.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board of Aldermen discussed the minutes from the meeting on September 6, 2011. Ald Fisher moved to approve the minutes. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Hess, Kohley and Lett voted aye with 0 nay votes.
The President Elect Kristin Lett acknowledged Rowdy Cooper to discuss averaging his water bill. Ald Kohley moved to average his water service, Ald Hess seconded. Ald Hess, Fisher, Kohley and Lett voted aye with no nays.
Department head reports:
Tom West- was not present as he was on vacation.
David Brodie- noted that the Insurance Company said they will reimburse the city for the pump repair and all of the stolen parts. He stated that they asked for him to send a copy of the bill for the repair work and a copy of the bill for the purchase of the replacement parts and then they will send the city a reimbursement check minus the cities deductible. He told the Board that he had added more precautionary measures to the city barn but that he was going to move the items that the thieves are interested in.
David- noted that the water line to the hot water heater at the concession stand had broken and water had run every where. He said that there was even water falling from the ceilings. He said that they had opened up the concession stand to get the water to evaporate. He said that he had repaired the line, but that the shop lights needed to be repaired. He suggested that Stewart shut off the water to the concession stand when the season ended. He stated that he always winterized the concession stand before winter.
David – stated that Billy Evert from Mo. Rural Water Association would be in the city in the morning to help him look into the water leaks he had told the Board about at the last meeting.
He said that Mo. Rural Water Association had a leak detection device that could help him find out where the leak was in the water system.
Denis Kolb- told the Board that he and Paula were working on an informational letter to the Citizens informing them about the IRIS system. He said once the letter is completed and approved by the board it would be mailed out using the cities permit postage. The Board discussed a request by Ald Kohley regarding the writing of a letter to County Emergency Management Director Greg Sweeten. Denis stated that he would recommend not writing a letter to Mr. Sweeten as he did not have an issue with Greg Sweeten. The Board agreed not to write the letter.
Dawn Bunch – was not present, no report to give.
Paula Brodie – noted the letter that the Board had received from USDA regarding the financial reports she had forwarded to them. She noted that Bruce Hively from USDA had reviewed the annual financial reports and stated that the proposed budget for the water system provided adequately to operate and maintain the system along with the Debt repayment. She did noted that as he had in the last three years letters, his recommendation was for the board to consider a rate increase as maybe necessary to keep up with inflationary or replacement costs.
The Board discussed the following old business:
Ald Fisher asked where the city was at as far as planned street repairs. David stated that he had reported at the last meeting that an overlay would run about $17,000.00 per 1,000 feet of street. He stated that he had roughly figured that amount by a quote he had received from Swift Construction. He said he used a street width of 21’ to get that figure, but there were some streets in town that are wider. Ald Kohley asked if there were any water repairs that needed to be done before starting on the street repair. David stated that there was a 6” inch water line on 2nd Street that needs to be lowered, as it is only 12” deep. He also noted that there were several of the rings that fit on the water meter vaults that are broken and need to be replaced. The Board talked about what streets they would like to see done first. Ald Fisher recommended doing Garner Street and School Street. Ald Kohley stated that he felt that Douglas Street was one of the worst streets. David stated that the job would have to be bid out. The Clerk stated that the Board would have to apply to the Mo. Dept of Labor for a prevailing wage determination before the job could be bid. David stated before the job could be bid he would need to measure the manholes so that risers could be ordered to fit with the additional 2” overlay. The Board discussed areas that were extremely lower than the other parts of the street. Ald Fisher asked if those sections should be cut out and more base rock put in. David stated that in the past when the Board had the corner of School and Garner done the company put down extra leveling material and then the overlay and it has lasted more than 10 years. David is to look into the price of the rings, see about the leak detection and lowering the 6” line.
Ald Kohley noted that Osage door has not finished cleaning their property. The Board agreed to give them until October 4, 2011 to finish cleaning up.
Ald Lett asked about where was the Betterment Committee at on installing the fence at the play ground on Barlow Street and Janice Street.
Ald Kohley asked when the board wanted to hold the city employee Barbeque. They agreed to hold it on October 9, 2011 at 2:00PM.
The Board discussed the following new Business:
Vicky Leach was acknowledged by the Board. She asked if the city could stop the Mini Mart from selling synthetic marijuana. The Board agreed to talk with their city attorney regarding the possibility of drawing up an ordinance to ban the selling of the product.
The Board discussed the bills for September 20, 2011 for $20,618.87 including transfers. Ald Fisher moved to approve the bills in the amount of $20,618.87. Ald Kohley seconded. Ald Fisher, Kohley, Lett and Hess voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Kohley moved to allow the Emergency Management Department to use the City’s mailing permit to mail a letter to explain the IRIS System to all its citizens. Ald Fisher second. Ald Fisher, Hess, Lett and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.
Ald Kohley moved to adjourn. Ald. Fisher seconded. Ald Fisher, Hess, Lett and Kohley voted aye with 0 nays.
Greg Richmond, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk
Date: ________________