Council Meeting
March 15, 2011 at 7:00PM at the
Goodman City Call
1. Call the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
2. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on February 15, 2011.
3. Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on March 1, 2011.
3. Discuss the condemnation of the Karla Thompson property on Russell Street.
4. Acknowledge Colleen Epperson-Hollman to discuss the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce.
5. Acknowledge Rena Gortney to discuss her high water bill.
6. Discuss and vote on the first reading of Ordinance # 2011-431 increasing the minimum sewer rate by $.50 cents.
7. Discuss and vote on the first reading of Ordinance # 2011-432 increasing the minimum water rate by $.50 cents.
8. Discuss and vote on the first reading of Ordinance # 2011-433 increasing the minimum Commercial water rate by $.50 cents.
9. Discuss the Recreation Department. Discuss and decide adding an assistant Recreation Department Director with wages of $500.00 a year. Decide on whom to appoint to the position of Assistant Recreation Department Director.
10. Department head reports:
1. Tom West- note letter on the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program.
2. David Brodie- discuss need to hire an electrician to run wiring to run the generator at the City Hall and Police Department power outages. Note David Sarratt’s Doctor’s release with the restriction to work half days.
3. Dawn Bunch- note the Board received her report last meeting.
4. Paula Brodie-
- Noted need to look at the burned trailer at 113 E. Stites Street belonging to Joshua Bradford.
- Completed 2010 Annual financial report to the State Auditors Office.
- Completed 2010 Annual Financial report to Rural Development.
- Completed training update for JIS.
- Completed Management’s Discussion and Analysis statement for the 2010 Audit for Nick Myers
- Attended meeting with FEMA/SEMA in regards to getting reimbursed for snow removal.
- Note that Jesse Ruby turned in notarized agreement between him and Mr. Cantrell.
11. Discuss old and new business
12. Discuss and approve the bills from March 1, 2011 for $12,943.84 including transfers.
13. Discuss and approve the bills from March 15, 2011 for $38,405.09 including transfers.
13. Adjourn the meeting.