The Board of Aldermen held a meeting Tuesday night January 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM. Those present included Mayor Calvin Wilson, Alderpersons Greg Richmond, Kevin Reardon, Keith Kohley and Kristin Lett. Also, present were City Clerk Paula Brodie, Chief of Police Tom West and City Supervisor David Brodie. Also present was Joyce Haynes reporter from McDonald County Press and Amy Buckley reporter Neosho Daily News. Guests included Jesse Ruby and Nathan Wagner.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The Board discussed the minutes from the meeting on January 4, 2011. Ald Kohley stated that the minute’s reflected that he was present at the meeting on the 4thbut he wasn’t. Ald Richmond moved to approve the minutes with the above noted correction. Ald Reardon seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes, 0 nayes.
The Board noted that David Sarratt had knee surgery on 01/11/11 and is on FMLA Leave. The Clerk explained how the FMLA works. She noted that David’s doctor had filled out the necessary paper work that proved that David was allowed FMLA leave. She noted that once the employee was approved for FMLA leave, the Board was required to continue paying the same benefits to that employee that he was receiving while at work. She stated that the FMLA leave is for a period of 12 weeks. She stated that David was also told that he must supply a fitness-for-duty certificate before being allowed to come back to work.
Department head reports:
1. Tom West-
- was not present.
2. David Brodie-
- reported that he had talked with Brad Lett from Empire District regarding the cost for a pole light at the Stay and Play Park on Barlow Street. He said that Brad gave him a quote of $6.50 a month. per Empire District. Ald Reardon stated that he believed a light needs to be installed on the West end of Boyer loop. David said he would look into it. Ald Richmond made the motion to approve installing the light at the Stay and Play Park. Ald Lett seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes 0 nayes.
- reported that the Goodman Rural fire Department brought the new generator up to the old well to make sure it would run the pump. He said that he had Jim from Tiff City present to make sure that the power was what was needed to run the pump. David said it ran perfectly. He stated that Jim Morgan had taken the generator back to his shop, painted it and had it ready to permanently install on a concrete pad. David said that he had asked Jimmie to give him a quote on what it would cost to put in the pad and run all of the wiring. Jimmie stated that if the city would purchase the wire, supplies and concrete he and his son Chris could build the forms, poor the concrete, install the generator and run the wiring for $500.00. David stated that he felt the Board should hire Jim and Chris because Jim had already spent numerous hours, getting the generator, picking it up, transporting it and getting it in working condition. He reminded the Board that the generator will still belong to the Goodman Rural Fire Department, but would be on permanent loan to the city so that the city will be able to provide water for the citizens and for fire protection during times when the electric power is off. Ald Richmond moved to approve Jim and Chris Morgan to build the pad and install the generator. Ald Reardon seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes 0 nayes.
3. Paula Brodie-
- discussed with the Board attending classes offered by Rural Development and Missouri Dept of Economic Development. Ald Lett made the motion for her to attend the class offered by Rural Development on January 26th. Ald Richmond seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes, 0 nayes
- informed the Board that it is time to place the 6 month financial statement in the McDonald County Press, which will cost $433.50.
- told Board about Tax Collectors monitor getting ready to go out, and Michael Keels suggestion to upgrade the memory to her computer so that it will work more efficiently (right now she is only able to print part of the time on the main printer). Mayor recommended allowing Michael Keels to upgrade and order new monitor Ald Richmond made the motion to approve the upgrades and the new monitor. Ald Kohley seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes, 0 nayes.
- asked the Board if they want William Mosby to look at the Thompson house at 136 Russell St before the public hearing on February 15, 2011.The Board agreed to have the clerk contact Williams Mosby and ask him to look at the house and compile a list of everything that needs to be done to the house if the Board allows the owner to repair it instead of tearing it down.
The Board acknowledged Jesse Ruby. He stated that Mr. Cantrell would not be present. The Mayor stated that Mr. Cantrell has one meter and he is allowing Jesse to use it. He said that Jesse and Mr. Cantrell should draw up an agreement and have it notarized explaining that they have an agreement for the Ruby’s to use the water line until Mr. Cantrell needs it. David stated that he wanted it understood that there is just one meter and it can only service one water line. He stated that the agreement should clarify that the water line is for only one house. It should also state that Jesse will have to unhook once Mr. Cantrell wants to put a house on his land, hooking up to the existing water line. Jesse stated that it would not be a problem for him and Mr. Cantrell to give the city a copy of an agreement. Jesse asked if it would be possible for him and Mr. Cantrell to hook to the 2” line running through the two properties. Jesse stated that he had talked with David about that and David had said he would object because the 2” line could not be considered a main line. Ald Reardon stated that the main line could not run across private property, as the city would not have authority to enter that property to maintain the line. It was mentioned as the Board has a loan with Rural Development any deviation from the city code would need to be approved by them. The Board agreed to look into the request and discuss it at the next meeting before making a final decision.
The Board of Aldermen acknowledged Nathan Wagner, who owns the home at 108 N. Janice Street, who was present to request the Board to move his meter, at the cities expense. He stated that the meter had been placed 20 feet from his property line, which caused him to put his driveway in at an angle to miss the meter. He stated he did not know why the city would have put the meter where they did in the first place. David noted that during the water improvement project they replaced the existing meters with new ones, installing them exactly where they were. Board members noted that a singlewide trailer was on the property first and the owner of the property at the time must have wanted the meter set there. Mr. Wagner stated that he didn’t care why the meter was placed where it was but he wanted it moved so that he could straighten out his drive way . Ald Reardon stated that his meter wasn’t on his property line and he wouldn’t want it there. He said he had three meters on his property and he wouldn’t have wanted the city to move them. He stated that if he decided to move his driveway he wouldn’t expect the city to pay for it. The Board stated that he could move the meter however it would be at his expense. David noted that to move the meter and work around the cities main the person doing the work must be licensed through the city and bonded.
The Board discussed the following new business:
- Ald Kohley stated that the “Just for Fun Run” 7thannual car show is going to be on April 30th from 10:00AM to 2:00PM at the Goodman Ball Park.
The Board discussed the bills from January 18, 2011 for $15,764.52 including transfers. Ald Richmond moved to approve the bills. Ald Kohley seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes, 0 nayes.
Ald Richmond moved to adjourn. Ald Lett seconded. The Board voted 4 ayes, 0 nays.
Respectfully submitted:
Paula W. Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk __________________________
Calvin Wilson, Mayor
Paula W Brodie, MRCC, City Clerk