Agenda-January 18, 2011

Council Meeting

January 18, 2011 at 7:00PM at the

Goodman City Call 

 1.         Call the meeting to order at 7:00PM

 2.         Discuss and approve the minutes from the regular meeting on January 4, 2011.

 3.         Acknowledge Jesse Ruby and Mr. Cantrell to discuss water service on the Cantrell/Ruby properties.

 4.         Note that David Sarratt had knee surgery on 01/11/11 and is on FMLA Leave.

 5.         Department head reports:

                         1. Tom West

                        2. David Brodie-  

                        3. Paula Brodie-

  • Discuss attending classes offered by Rural Development and Missouri Dept of Economic Development.  Inform the Board that it is time to place the 6 month financial statement in the McDonald County Press, which will cost $433.50.
  • Tell Board about Tax Collectors monitor getting ready to go out, and Michael Keels suggestion to upgrade the memory to her computer so that it will work more efficiently (right now she is only able to print part of the time on the main printer).
  • Ask the Board if they want William Mosby to look at the Thompson house at 136 Russell St before the public hearing on February 15, 2011.                                                                        

6.         Discuss old and new business 

7.         Discuss and approve the bills from January 18, 2011 for $15764.52 including transfers.

 8.       Adjourn the meeting.